
Not as exciting as the first book but I loved it nonetheless. The last third of the book is amazing.

Ben Nathan@benreadssff
I enjoyed it. Did this as an audiobook and Wil Wheaton killed it. Not to mention, him reading a huge number of digits of pi was super awesome.

Nicola Zangrandi@nicolapcweek94

Brian N@brian914

Dan H@dannagain


Ilja Panic@iljapanic


Nicola Zangrandi@nicolapcweek94

Dean Sas@dsas

A S@bigcat

Patrick Hof@courts

Nadine @intlnadine

Goktekin Dincerler@goktekin

Nikolay Bachiyski@nb

Lauren Love@laurenlove

Chris Salgado@csalgado13

Brian Alderman@brianaalderman

Brent Nef@n3f

Doug Clinton@dclinton

Teshia Treuhaft@teshia

Gareth Kay@garethk

Jackie Luo@jackie