Homo Sapiens But Dumber

Homo Sapiens But Dumber Achieving Intelligent Intelligence and Self-discipline: Frontal Intelligence

Homo Sapiens But Dumber poses the question: Have we evolved from early man to modern intelligence only to throw it all away with risky behavior? Cro-Magnon man started with low intellect, but evolved over the millennia to develop language, fire, the wheel, the written word, electricity, and today's modern inventions that are truly mind boggling. But instead of honing our intelligence into worthwhile pursuits, many use alcohol and drugs to numb their brains, and then sit like coach potatoes in front of the television. Are we dumbing ourselves backward on the evolutionary scale? Can we develop intelligent intelligence and self-discipline in children, so they can choose what is valuable in their lives, while avoiding the self-destructive behavior in our risky world? How many times have we heard of highly intelligent people who act foolishly in their jobs, with their families, or in society? We know of many celebrities in the scientific, artistic, political, and sports worlds that have destroyed their careers due to a lack Frontal Intelligence and control over their impulses. Homo Sapiens But Dumber will help parents and teachers implement actions that will develop the skills of attention, prioritization, stimulus control, postponement of privileges, and self-regulation to strengthen our children in a volatile world full of danger. We may indeed be more intelligent than early man, but we are surely dumber! About the Authors: Dr. Eveyln Prado is a high school counselor at Tecnologico de Monterrey and Dr. Jesus Amaya is associate professor of education at Universidad de Monterrey. They have two sons, Jesus and Jose Mario, and live in Monterrey, Mexico. Publisher's website: http: //www.strategicpublishinggroup.com/title/HomoSapiensButDumber.html
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