Hot Flashes and Hockey Slashes Hot Flash Hookups, Book #1


“I think the phrase is happy wife, happy life”
whoever said that was clearly a genius.

Pain slices through me, along with a tiny thread of embarrassment. I’ve finally lost my heart to a woman and she doesn’t even want it.
cutie pie. 🥰

I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right.
this will be my new motto.

Oh god. This is so not me. I enjoy flying under the radar and blending with the crowd. I’m not a center-of-attention kind of woman, and I have no desire to be. I like math, I like troubleshooting, I like logic. I don’t like being pushed way out of my comfort zone and thrust into the middle of a made-for-TV drama.

How is it fair that the man gets more attractive with age, and I only get fatter, with old hag skin and a foggy brain that makes me feel like I’m approaching dementia some days? God is clearly a man, that’s all I know.
i totally agree.

I shoot her a wink that works ninety-five percent of the time with women.
Olivia is that five percent.
haha 😅
This book appears on the shelf read-2019