
is there anything more christmassy than the grinch? I think not this was the perfect thing to read to get me in the christmas spirit


Spontan eingeschoben, nachdem ich heute den Film im Kino gesehen habe und überrascht gewesen, wie dünn die Originalstory ist und wie viele Elemente der Adaptionen fehlen. Aber es ist schön illustriert, dient damit klar als Vorlage und ist in charmanter Reimform geschrieben. Ein Weihnachtsbuch für kleine und große Kinder für zwischendurch. Ein bißchen auch ein Cheat-Buch, um die (zwischenzeitlich angehobene) Reading Challenge zu schaffen, aber das ist mir egal.

Acabo de leer este libro por accidente investigando actividades para mis alumnos de ingles 😂😂😂

New favourite Christmas story❤

“And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”

The best Christmas book and movie (the animated version) ever.

So I don't really need to talk about how great this book is. That would be like me telling you how great any other great classic kid's story is. So what to say? I think this is a great story to realize you're a Grinch. It doesn't even have to be Christmas. Put in any other holiday. Valentine's Day: are you a "Single Awareness Day" person? Thanksgiving: are you a "Brown Thursday" person? Halloween: are you a "This is the Devil's Holiday" person? You get what I am getting at. Find your inner Cindy Lou Who. Love the holiday for what it is. Valentine's Day: love the people in your life! Thanksgiving: spend time with your family and your friends! Be thankful! Halloween: dress as someone else for the night and have fun! The Grinch is a all-around lesson for not being a party-pooper and just find the joy in the holiday. Don't be a fun-sucker and be fun and happy!

Reading this out loud was fun <3

Hace poco más de una semana que no leía nada y había decidido leer algo ligero para navidad y así despejarme un poco. Me ha encantado, sobre todo en su idioma original, no solo por la bella manera en que está escrito sino por su significado. Me ha sacado una sonrisa. Ya tuve mi momento antes de ir a la cama. (1:02 a.m. después de un largo día)