How to Die An Ancient Guide to the End of Life

It was not that bad. Some of Seneca s words didn't make sense to me at all. Agreed that life isn't everything about this human existence, but so isn't death. Some passages were okay, and it comes close to some sufi teachings, but still falls nearest to the extremes. Rehearsing death and practising it is a good start, but not to be haunted by the idea, and admire suicide. Towards the end of the book, there was a sort of "ressaisissement" of the author, that taking one's life regardless of the other spirits that depend on him is a haggard way out of life. I couldn't agree more, and thus it untied to a small extent the estime it holds death in. A recurrent theme at the beginning of the book was to die before death and be prepared for it, such as those who learnt how to die have unlearned how to be enslaved. Just a Greek version of the Japanese hara-kiri... The brightest it can come close to as a doctrine is to Al Fanaa' الفناء.
