How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age

A great continuation of the Carnegie series and some great tips regarding social media- don't defame someone through tweets, abd other defamation ideas through any social media outlets. A lot of the original book was repeated in this one, as it is timeless. Simple ways- truly listening, asking questions, smile, ext go a long way.

Also got this book as a recommendation from Vishen Lakhiani to further enhance the area of Friendship in my life. At the beginning I found it boring and used it at bed time to make me fall asleep. But halfway through the book I found myself rather engaging in it. It has nice short stories and techniques we can easily adapt into our daily lives to enhance the connections with made with other humans. It was a good read and recommended for people wanting to network better, enhance social skills, and all together work on making better human connections.

Absolutely no diss on Carnegie because his ideas are solid, but I'd like a book about the digital age to reference the internet more than twice.

A good book and good information although it didn't feel like Dale Carnegie was part of it. "Associates" have cited tens of other books and very recent happenings to serve as an example fo the ideas. Overall I did expect the original text appended with clear notes how these teachings could be used in the digital age. I haven't read the original, but my intuition says it would be more enjoyable. Nevertheless I could extract some good advice from here too, so 3 stars. [reading time: 7h13m]