How to Write a Sentence

How to Write a Sentence And How to Read One

Stanley Fish2011
Explains how to craft the perfect sentence, as well as how to appreciate well-written prose, and presents examples from William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Henry James, Martin Luther King Jr., Antonin Scalia, and Elmore Leonard.
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Photo of Simon Elliott Stegall
Simon Elliott Stegall@sim_steg
3 stars
Dec 15, 2021

Not a bad little book for what it is. Its main benefit is that Fish collects 30 or 40 fantastic sentences from literature and then shows why they work so well. Downside is that most of Fish's analysis is blubbery.... at least to me. I think anyone with an intuitive grasp of language (which you gain easily enough by reading regularly) can more or less skim his formal critiques of sentences- they are redundant and pedantic.

Photo of Vladimir
3 stars
May 7, 2023
Photo of Bryce Taylor
Bryce Taylor@mrbrycetaylor
3 stars
Feb 20, 2022
Photo of Katie Day
Katie Day@librarianedge
3 stars
Feb 17, 2022
Photo of Angelo Zinna
Angelo Zinna@angelozinna
2 stars
Jan 28, 2022
Photo of Xavier Roy
Xavier Roy@xavierroy
5 stars
Jan 17, 2022
Photo of Rob
5 stars
Jul 27, 2021

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