H.P. Lovecraft's Worlds #2: Beyond the Wall of Sleep

H.P. Lovecraft's Worlds #2: Beyond the Wall of Sleep

Denys Barry is convinced that telepathy is possible and his clinical research at the Oakdale State Psychiatric Institute supports his hypothesis. But Barry's research is jeopardized after he suffers a violent seizure during an experiment which he sputters "cosmic" nonsense. Soon after Barry discovers that a criminal patient named Joe Slaader was admitted into Oakdale at the same time as Barry's outburst. Barry is convinced his mind has somehow tapped into Slaader's delusion. This chilling Lovecraft tale is adapted by award winning comic writer Steven Philip Jones. H.P. Lovecraft is considered one of America's most innovative and popular American horror writers. The master of the weird tale during the first decades of the 20th Century until his premature death in 1937, Lovecraft's distinctive style and canon of work has influenced many authors. Jones takes the classic tale and while remaining true to the source, brings it into the modern age which can sometimes make the horror even more terrifying. This tale is illustrated by Octavio Cariello who has worked on DC's Green Lantern, Deathstroke, and Black Lightning comic book series.
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