

Brandon Stanton’s Humans is a book that connects readers as global citizens at a time when erecting more borders is the order of the day. It shows us the entire world, one story at a time . . . Brandon Stanton’s Humans – his most moving and compelling book to date – shows us the world. After five years of traveling the globe, the creator of Humans of New York brings people from all parts of the world into a conversation with readers. He ignores borders, chronicles lives and shows us the faces of the world as he saw them. His travels took him from London, Paris and Rome to Iraq, Dubai, Ukraine, Pakistan, Jordan, Uganda, Vietnam, Israel and every other place in between. His interviews go deeper than before. His chronicling of peoples’ lives shows the experience of a writer who has traveled widely and thought deeply about the state of our world. Including hundreds of photos and stories of the people he met and talked with in over forty countries, Humans is classic Brandon Stanton – a fully color illustrated book that includes many photos and stories never seen before. For the first time for a HONY title, Humans will contain several of the essays Brandon’s posted online which have been read, loved and enthusiastically shared by his followers.
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Photo of Rob Erekson
Rob Erekson@roberekson
5 stars
Jan 1, 2022

I bought two copies of this book. One for myself and one for my mother. We both casually read through it a bit at a time, around the same pace, and never really got more than 40 or 50 pages apart. As we’d read it, we would find interesting, sad, inspiring, or touching stories and send the page number to each other with a few comments on it. When we saw each other in person we’d discuss some of the more notable ones. I bought the book on a whim after hearing her mention that she wanted to learn more about other people, and having known about the People of New York project, I figured this would be a great way to help her identify with the struggles and triumphs other people in the world have on a daily basis and get a glimpse into their world. Humans provided exactly what I was looking for, and what she was looking for, and then some. There are certainly better books about the difficulties of humanity snd what we’ve had to overcome, but never something with as much breadth as Humans. With a handful of larger stories and mostly short paragraphs from his conversations along with photographs, the book allows you to really gain a sense of empathy and wonder not at those people that are featured in the book, but with them. I’m hoping there’s a “Humans 2” at some point, or even a long form book with expanded interviews from the book. I’d buy and recommend either version in a heartbeat, just as I’d do with Humans.

Photo of Julien Sobczak
Julien Sobczak@julien-sobczak
4 stars
Apr 3, 2024
Photo of Ness Rainier
Ness Rainier@nessrain
5 stars
Jan 10, 2024
Photo of Emma Greene
Emma Greene@emmagreene18
5 stars
Nov 24, 2022
Photo of Regan O’Neill
Regan O’Neill@onereg
4 stars
Aug 13, 2022
Photo of Kathleen Bass
Kathleen Bass@kbass
4 stars
Mar 16, 2022
Photo of Ana Cob
Ana Cob@anacob
4 stars
Mar 8, 2022
Photo of mauxfaux
5 stars
Feb 8, 2022
Photo of Erin
Erin @pagesofmilkandhoney
5 stars
Aug 29, 2021