I am a Cat

I used to be the type of person who finishes every book they start, even if the book is badly written or boring or tasteless. A few years ago, I decided there are too many books and I have too little time to continue wasting it on unfulfilling hobbies. Regrettably, this book is not worth finishing to me. I've been bored of it for about 150 pages now, so I will put this on my DNF shelf. (I still love cats, though 🐈)


"'When you see a man, take him for a felophage.' The longer one lives in this wicked world, the more one learns. It is always good to learn, but as one accumulates knowledge of the world's wickedness, one grows ever the more cautious, ever the more prepared for the worst. Artfulness, uncharitableness, self-defensive wariness: these are the fruits of worldly learning. The penalty of age is this rather ugly knowingness. Which would seem to explain why one never finds among the old a single decent person. They know too much to see things straight, to feel things cleanly, to act without compromise."