I Am a Follower

I Am a Follower The Way, Truth, and Life of Following Jesus

It's time to leave the leadership obsession behind. It's never been about leading. "Leadership" has become a runaway obsession for those who are called to equip the body of Christ for service in the Kingdom of God. The concept of "followership" is all but lost in the wake of this leadership fetish, a near hypnotic obsession. Jesus' clear call, and the pattern of New Testament leadership, are actually found in a pattern of followership. We've been told otherwise but when it comes to a movement in our churches, our families, or the workplace, everything rises or falls on followership. Sweetproposes an intentional shift from leadership cults to followership cultures. He critiques the issue of leadership obsession but focuses onreigniting a passion for the "follow me" theme found throughout the gospels and the entire New Testament. Building on a set of metaphors/images, hestirs the imagination by showing what it means to be a follower of Christ and explainsthe vital cog that followership and the first follower play in helping others enter into the Kingdom of God. I Am A Follower moves readers: from leaders that are over to followers that are among from sages and gurus to scouts and guides from Saul's armor to David's sling from having the right answers to asking the right questions from architects to gardeners
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