I Hate You More

I Hate You More

Alexandra Moody — 2019
Ever heard of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer? That's exactly what Ally Lockwood has to do when the hottest guy at Fairview High, and her sworn nemesis, moves in with her family for senior year.Most girls would do anything to live across the hall from Chase Williams, but Ally isn't fooled by his good looks or brooding charm. She's been on the wrong side of him for years, and knows all too well how sly and manipulative he truly is. She's desperate to get rid of him. Luckily, her friends have a genius plan to ensure Ally's over-protective father kicks Chase out of the house for good.All she has to do is convince him to date her and make sure they get caught...
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Photo of Keira 💫
Keira 💫@dirtyhandssidechick
3.5 stars
Dec 20, 2023

They're so cute.

I mean it's so easy to hate someone and then when you actually take a step back and realize that they were never a problem and you just assumed, makes everything so much more harder.

And Chase not let them experience miscommunication when he was sure about his feelings 🙃🥹🥹

But the whole clothes thing yikes. And her father was a typical desi dad lmao. But he then ended up saying okay?? No way would my dad.

Photo of Nora de Jong
Nora de Jong@nora_xje
3 stars
Dec 16, 2022

3,5 ✨

Photo of Mercy K
Mercy K@mercyk
3 stars
Sep 9, 2022

** spoiler alert ** eh it was okay ally’s character bugged me half the time the book was rushed and then the other half it was a drag :/

Photo of Lovisa
3 stars
Oct 20, 2021

Ganska så average

Photo of Lisa van der Heijden
Lisa van der Heijden @littlemeadowreads
2 stars
Aug 29, 2021

* 2.5/5 Sometimes you enjoyed a book not because it was well-written or well-developed but because it was a fun time. I Hate You More was such a book for me. It is a hate-to-love contemporary romance with a dual perspective. Although these are all elements that I love, the execution fell flat for me. For me, it is a guilty pleasure. Something I read quick, enjoyed for the general aspects but a story I would not remember. I hate you more is the love story of Ally and Chase. They have been enemies ever since a misunderstood conversation. Now Chase, also best friends with Ally’s twin brother, moves into their house for senior year. Obviously, it is impossible for Ally let Chase live with her. So she and her friends come up with a plan to get Chase kicked out. Because Ally’s dad does not allow her to date, they want him to caught Chase and Ally kissing. Besides the obviously cruelty and stupidity of the plan, the plot has another major problem: There is no foundation for the hate between Ally and Chase. Ally constantly refers to the terrible things Chase has done, but those are not elaborated. However, the romance that was developed was rather cute. The tension of ‘will they or won’t they’ kept me interested in the story. I also must stay that while the majority of the book felt immature, the ending was really mature and nicely handled. The story was told from the perspective of both Ally and Chase, which I prefer in romance story. Getting to know both their thoughts and opinions made me feel more connected with them. I enjoyed reading about their blossoming romance. However, the characters felt flat and are so unforgettable that I needed to look up their names for this review. My sympathy mostly went to Chase because Ally was cruel, winey, and childish as were her friends. The side characters were not interesting both because their characterisation was unoriginal and nothing happens in their life unless they interact with the main characters. Also, some of the characters behaved unrealistically. The way the story was written fitted the setting and the story. It was easy to read but the author does not have a unique voice. Sometimes the writing felt a bit too young for me which made it cringe-worthy from time to time. The story is set in an average American town. The setting does not have any characteristic that makes it stand out. It all felt very generic. The high school setting did give me nostalgic feelings. I also enjoyed the addition of the elderly ladies. The author tried to give the book more weight by adding a dead mother for Ally and neglecting parents for Chase. However, this was not explored very far. Overall, it is an enjoyable high school romance. It is a great book if you are in the mood of a cute, fluffy read but it is not a story you would remember. Rating breakdown: − Plot: 2.5/5 − Characters: 2/5 − Writing: 2/5 − Worldbuilding: 3/5 − Overall enjoyment: 3/5

Photo of Ashley
4 stars
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Photo of Maite
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Photo of Elissa Gleich
Elissa Gleich@eagleich19
2 stars
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Photo of Megan
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Photo of Ami Schaar
Ami Schaar@amicelli
4 stars
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Photo of Mandy Friedrich
Mandy Friedrich@mnmetje01
3 stars
Nov 12, 2021
Photo of Lani
Lani @lanisbooks
3 stars
Nov 7, 2021
Photo of Helena Cristina Nogueira Pereira
Helena Cristina Nogueira Pereira@helenanogueira99
3 stars
Oct 8, 2021
Photo of Sara Alfaro
Sara Alfaro@salfaro
5 stars
Sep 26, 2021