I Like Him, He Likes Her

I Like Him, He Likes Her Alice Alone; Simply Alice; Patiently Alice

Find a Penny pick it up and all day long you’ll have good luck…except, of course, if that Penny is charming and pretty and funny, and the person picking her up just happens to be your boyfriend. Alice McKinley’s freshman year is not as “lucky” as she was hoping it would be. But she’s is trying to look on the bright side. There are worse things than being single for a semester… for a school year…for the whole summer…. At least Alice can count on her best friends for support—in theory, anyway. Lately they haven’t been all that there-for-her. In fact, it seems like Pam and Liz are suddenly involved in intense, secret conversations whenever Alice is around. Single is starting to feel a whole lot like solo.
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Photo of lulaa
3 stars
Mar 31, 2022

it would really be 3 1/2 stars but yeah it was a good book i just don’t like how in the last part during camp it’s like her whole writing changed if that makes sense. it’s like it was set in a different era. does that make sense ?? i hope her and patrick end up back together but i hope she stays try to herself if they do.

Photo of Megan Clark
Megan Clark@giraffelove93
4 stars
Aug 19, 2022
Photo of Allison Garrett
Allison Garrett@bookish_insomniac
3 stars
Jul 24, 2022
Photo of Sarah Campbell
Sarah Campbell@wiltedsarah
5 stars
Nov 10, 2021
Photo of Destini Baylis Adams
Destini Baylis Adams@bookswithbonnets
5 stars
Aug 31, 2021