His Total Provision

His Total Provision Daily Reflections and Meditations on the Body and Blood of Christ

Ian Johnson2015
The book is an invitation from heaven to partake of the greatest meal ever offered. My aim in writing this is to provide a daily reflection on the body and blood of Jesus. This reflection is just the beginning of your daily journey. Use the daily reflections to transport you outside of time and space and into the eternal realm. In that place seated with Christ, partake of the tree of life Himself. In time you will transform from one who has previously partaken of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil, into your true identity as a Son of Heaven, partaking of the tree of life. I love talking about the wonderful, supernatural meal that most in the Church call "Communion" Even as I wrote this little book my heart soared with excitement and thankfulness as I contemplate the meal that transports me back into the heart of the father. I try to eat this meal in the natural on a daily basis, and my partaking in the spirit is a moment by moment reflection of his provision in my life. After nearly forty years of walking in the faith, I have never tired of this meal, it is more desirable to me today than when I first began, because the more I eat it the more my DNA is changed and I appear in His image.
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