Slaine The Fir Domain - The Tribe of the Growling Shield
The Fir Domain are one of the fiercest and most troublesome Tribes of the Earth Goddess. Whereas the Sessair and Finians will go to war as soon as look at you, the Fir Domain are just as eager for trouble but always with an eye to the main chance. Likewise, they can be as cunning as the Tribe of the Shadows, but are quite prepared to apply that intelligence and planning to a frontal assault or even an entire war, rather than relying on night raids. If they cannot profit from war, and with minimal casualties, they have no great interest in it. Of course, this could be long-term profit - taking over fertile farmland can be better in the long run than capturing a rich town or fort. The Fir Domain are also known as the Tribe of the Growling Shields for their fearsome battle feat of shield-growling, when they use specially shaped metal shields to amplify their war-cries. This feat reveals a great deal about the tribe in general for they are geared towards defense, and their warriors make great use of shields. Yet they use the shields for offence too - the shield growl instills terror into the hearts of any who face them in battle. This combination of attack and defense runs through many of the tribe's activities in both peace and war-time. Even their traders are cautious, yet quick to take advantage of any opening. However, their focus on defense should not be taken as an indication that the Fir Domain are cowards. A Fir Domain warrior sees his shield as his most crucial piece of equipment, but it is closely followed in importance by his sword or spear. Once the Tribe of the Growling Shields has decided they will fight, they advance in an implacable, well-drilled mass, almost as well organized as the skull-swords. The Fir Domain themselves consider that charging into battle is a sign of weakness and fear, not strength - so far as they are concerned, their more considered approach, even under a hail of javelins and sling-stones, demonstrates true courage.