AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH - The Planetary Emergency
The planetary emergency is SOCIALISM. This book details the factors contributing to the growing crisis, describes changes to the world caused by global socialism, and discusses the shift in policy that is needed to avert disaster. One of the many inconvenient truths is that American socialists share in the guilt. Numerous annoying politicians have abetted a long history of American socialists, including the notorious Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy. Both Bellamy cousins wanted government to take over all schools, to teach socialism to all children. Francis Bellamy was the author of the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, the origin of the infamous stiff-armed salute adopted later under German socialism and Adolf Hitler. Long before the Deutschland fad began, American schoolchildren were taught to chant in unison and perform the same salute each day in government schools that imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official policy. Anyone who rejected the ritual in the schools was persecuted. This astonishing book explains the following revelations: 1. Hitler never self-identified as a "Nazi". 2. Hitler never self-identified as a 'Fascist'. 3. The term 'Nazi' never appears in "Mein Kampf" nor in "Triumph of he Will." 4. The term 'Fascist' never appears in Mein Kampf as a self-description by Hitler. 5. The term "Socialist" appears throughout Mein Kampf as a self-description by Hitler. Hitler and his followers self-identified as 'socialists' by the very word in voluminous speeches and writings. 6. Hitler used the swastika to represent 'S'-letter shapes for 'socialist'. 7. Hitler was influnenced by American socialists - the USA's Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was the origin of Nazi salutes and Nazi behavior. 8. A socialist started fascism. Before he coined the term 'Fascist,' Mussolini was a long-time socialist leader, with a socialist background, raised by socialists to be a socialist. 9. German socialists partnered with Soviet socialists to launch WWII, invading Poland together, and going onward from there, killing millions. Much of the amazing historical material comes from the archives of the historian Dr. Rex Curry.