Rex Curry BFFs Analects

Rex Curry BFFs Analects Dead Writers Club & the Pointer Institute for Media Studies

A witty collection of essays and poetry from the longest-running writer's group in Florida: the Dead Writers Club (and the Pointer Institute for Media Studies). They make the Algonquin Round Table look like a bunch of dead people. Topics include: Training Yard Lizards (Anoles); Community Bicycles; Woodman, Spare That $10 Tree; Tree Laws Kill Trees; How To Avoid Police (& Police States); Martin Niemoller & Guns; Nazis & Not-Sees; The USSR & Soviet Socialism; Capitalist Pearls; More on Democracy & Dumbocracy (Poetry); Skippy and the Pledge of Allegiance. Wait, there's more! The author Ian Tinny provides bonus material explaining the work of the historian Dr. Rex Curry, including: (1) the USA's Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was the origin of the Nazi salute and Nazi behavior; and (2) the swastika, although an ancient symbol, was also used to represent crossed "S" letters for "socialism" under Nazism (the National Socialist German Workers Party). Tinny and his assistants collect old photos and film footage of the early Pledge of Allegiance showing the origin of the notorious stiff-armed salute. The Nazi salute was performed by public officials in the USA from 1892 through 1942. What happened to old photographs and films of the American Nazi salute performed by federal, state, county, and local officials? Those photos and films are rare because people don't want to know the truth about the government’s past. Public officials in the USA who preceded the German socialist (Hitler) and the Italian socialist (Mussolini) were sources for the stiff-armed salute (and robotic chanting) in those countries and other foreign countries. See how Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts helped spread the Nazi salute and the swastika to Germany and elsewhere. Discover how the military salute was the origin of the Nazi salute. The author Ian Tinny resides in Key West, Florida, for most of the year, with his dog and his cat, overlooking the water. "Drug Detection Dog Training - Libertarian Lawyers Fight Police State USA," is another book by Tinny. Tinny is also the author of the groundbreaking book "Pledge of Allegiance & Swastika Secrets."
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