Rex Curry's Dead Writers Club

Rex Curry's Dead Writers Club

A witty collection of essays from the best writers club in Florida. These writers make the Algonquin Round Table look like a bunch of dead people. Topics include: Terrorists and the World Trade Towers on 9-11; Time Travel; How to avoid the police and the police state; New York's Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire; Skippy & the Pledge of Allegiance; Economics 101; She Was Temperamental; the Crucifix. The author Ian Tinny is also the author of the groundbreaking book “Pledge of Allegiance & Swastika Secrets.” It is a semi-biographical work about the nation’s leading authority on the Pledge of Allegiance and his many discoveries, including: (1) that the USA's Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was the origin of the Nazi salute and Nazi behavior; and (2) that the swastika, although an ancient symbol, was also used to represent crossed "S" letters for "socialism" under Nazism (the National Socialist German Workers Party). Tinny explains revelations unearthed from the archival work of historian Dr. Rex Curry. “Drug Detection Dog Training – Libertarian Lawyers Fight Police State USA,” is another book by Tinny.
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