If You Dare
The game was over. The dares were getting old, and the secrets were piling up faster than the bodies.But someone had other plans. They wanted to play a new game. Becky Holt was the love of his life until he found out what she was hiding. Now he wants to seek his revenge in the most daring way. Deke Biggs has always been a shark. He's not afraid to kill, and he's about to become her worst nightmare.But there's a new player, and she plans on taking everything, no matter what the cost.Try to beat him- If You Dare!Who will win and who will lose?

Kristen Gillis@romance_book_babe
"Death is a debt we are all born owing" The third installment in this series gives us a closer look at Deke. It truly was a good finale, it answered every question that this series gives you, which is an astronomical amount And I was absolutely team Demi right from the beginning and I loved how it ended


Gennesa Leu @gnessret

Kadi Frease@kadi

Lise Landøy@liselandoy

Sophie Page@sophieemma

Stacie LaFlamme@stacieanne

Medaline Jerez Escobar@meda