Injection Volume one

I still have absolutely no idea what is going on in this book, but I liked volume 2 a lot more than the first. This is entirely because Headland is a Holmes-style character, and I enjoyed his manner of speaking and his way of logicing through things. Things I don't understand. This volume did literally nothing to make anything clear. But somehow this was more tolerable than last time.

Three volumes in and now I'm starting to feel more invested. Injection is a strange series. The plot is hard to parse, the characters are all weird and mysterious, but there's some payoff starting to happen with the strange events that have been happening, and I am down for this weird scifi/fantasy combo that it seems to be building up to.

So I liked the Injection Thingie Premise (ITP™). And I liked the lovely gore. And the yummy green stuff. And that's about it. Because I don’t like it when authors try so bloody shrimping hard to be so bloody shrimping clever you can feel them patting their little selves on the exoskeleton from thousands miles away. Like they're finding it somewhat orgasmic to confuse their readers to complete death and utter oblivion and stuff. I find it a teensy little bit condescending. And slightly exasperating, too. Also, boredom. It's a thing. Also also, the art everyone raves about. I didn't like it. Same goes for the lettering. Not a fan of the colors, either. What can I say, I have Despicable Graphic Taste (DGT™). So sue me turn me into a paella and stuff. But hey apart from that, it was all pretty amazing. There's a slight chance it might be, yes. [Pre-review nonsense] Actual rating: 2.5 stars. Maybe and stuff. This sorta made me feel like... And also like... ➽ Full Please Don't Try So Bloody Shrimping Hard to be Complexly Clever Mr Ellis It's Kinda Sorta Counter-Productive and Stuff Crappy Non Review (PDTsBSHtbCCMEIKSCPaSCNR™) to come. Maybe.

interesting, but seemed to be more setup than anything

Wow, this series keeps getting better and better. So very strange, but incredible art and writing.

Interesting This is a cool mix of science and magic with interesting characters. I am really excited to see where this story goes.