Invisible Circus
Phoebe O'Connor, 18 years old in 1978, is obsessed by the memory of her charismatic older sister, a flower child who died in 1970. Searching for the truth about her death and life, Phoebe discovers they go to the ambiguous heart of a generation that tried to follow its dreams of freedom.

Cora Sicard@coralbooks
I finished this a few weeks ago. It was a page turner that I enjoyed and recommend. The subject matter is a bit tough as the whole plot revolves around the suicide of an older sister.

Daryl Houston@dllh
Having read and liked a couple of others by Egan lately, I delved back to her early work. From the beginning, this one was sluggish and just felt really uninspired to me. It was a labor to get through, and I found myself skimming at times just to advance toward the end. The prose was fine but not beautiful, and the story just didn't land for me. If this had been my first Egan, I doubt I'd have read more.

Charlie Beckerman@chozzles

Kahli Scott@kahliscott


John Elbing@palebluedot


Eva Talmadge@evatalmadge
