Isaac Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica

Isaac Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica Facsimile of Third Edition (1726) with Variant Readings; Vols. 1 and 2 in Latin

This edition of Isaac Newton's Principia is the first edition that enables the reader to see at a glance the stages of evolution of the work from the completion of the manuscript draft of the first edition in 1685 to the publication of the third edition, authorized by Newton, in 1726. A photographic reprint of this final version, the present edition exhibits on the same page the variant readings from the seven other texts. This design allows the reader to see all the changes that Newton introduced and to determine exactly how the last and definitive edition, published a few months before Newton's death, grew from earlier versions. A series of appendices provides additional material on the development of the Principia; the contributions of Roger Cotes and of Henry Pemberton; drafts of Newton's preface to the third edition; a bibliography of the Principia, describing in detail the three substantive editions and all the known subsequent editions; an index of names mentioned in the third edition; and a complete table of contents of the third edition.
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