When She Screams...

When She Screams...

J. Alexander2015
In this dark and harrowing tale of a great love story and cold blooded murder comes the twisted world of homicide and heavy metal. A winter storm rolls over the Estrada Estate as the clouds block the sunin Corpus Christiwhere we lay our murder scene The rich and prestigious John Estrada opened his door on New Years Day to find a 9mm Glock pointed at his facesentenced to death is all he hears before he is shot dead. Detective Nicholas Austin, lead investigator with the Major Crimes Task Force, immediately builds a forensic team to locate and apprehend the suspecta twenty year old girlThe girl with green eyes Meanwhile, William Eugene Drevnor masks his torturous past with his dark and heavy metal rock music that synchronizes his own murderous rage. He begins to dream of a girl, the girl with green eyesAnd he swears to protect her with his own life. But when the murder continues and more dead bodies begin to drop around her, William and Detective Austin struggle to connect the dots to uncover a deeper truth To uncover a darker motive that no one was prepared for. And the haunting, abhorrent memories and dreams become more vile and unsettling to all who know her...When She Screams.
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