J. C. Ryle Sermons to Children

J. C. Ryle Sermons to Children Seven Biblical Lessons for Children

J. C. Ryle2022
I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. – Proverbs 8:17 Children, I am going to talk to you about Jesus Christ and your souls. I want to make you happy, but I know that people are never really happy unless their souls are happy – and I am sure that people’s souls cannot be truly happy unless they love Jesus Christ. That is the reason I am going to write to you now. I want to tell you something about Jesus Christ and your souls. Dear children, I hope you will all pay close attention. I pray that the Spirit of God will come into your hearts and make you able to do so. Try to listen to me. Try to understand what I say. Try to remember and carry away something in your minds. I hope to do you all a great deal of good. – J. C. Ryle In this compilation of seven sermons to children, J. C. Ryle tells captivating stories from the Bible with easy-to-understand application for children.
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