C. Smith, A. Rose, J. GUTT, I. BARRATT, E. Domack, C. d'Udekem d'Acoz, W. DIMMLER, A. GREMARE, O. HEILMAYER, E. ISLA, D. JANUSSEN, E. Jorgensen, K.-H. KOCK, L.S. Lehnert, P. Lopez-Gonzales, S. Langner, K. LINSE, M.E. MANJON-CABEZA, M. Meissner, A. MONTIEL, M. Raes, H. ROBERT, E. Sane Schepisi, T. SAUCEDE, M. Scheidat, H.W. SCHENKE, J. Seiler
Biodiversity change after climate-induced ice-shelf collapse in the Antarctic
Biodiversity change after climate-induced ice-shelf collapse in the Antarctic