The True Plan of Salvation Unveiled

The True Plan of Salvation Unveiled Told Through the Nursery Rhyme Little Bo Peep

This is a homecoming story about the children of Israel, and how they turned from their disobedience to God to obey Him, and came home to God through Jesus Christ. The book is also a homecoming story about the Gentiles who were Gods naturally, lost children, and how they obeyed or came home to God through Jesus Christ, as well. In telling the story about how the children of Israel and the Gentiles obeyed or came home to God through Jesus Christ, the book in addition, tells the story about Jesus Christ and His New Testament commandments, in which Jesus says one must obey for salvation. In Jesus telling His disciples in the New Testament, in Matthew 28:19: teach all nations Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 28:20 as follows: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:
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