Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems

Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems 10th International Conference, ACIVS 2008, Juan-les-Pins, France, October 20-24, 2008. Proceedings

This volume contains the papers accepted for presentation at the 10th Inter- tionalConferenceonAdvancedConceptsforIntelligentVisionSystems (ACIVS 2008). Followingthe?rstmeetinginBaden-Baden(Germany)in1999,whichwas held as part of a large multiconference, theACIVS conference then developed into an independent scienti?c event and has ever since maintained the tradition of being a single-track conference. We celebrate this year the 10th anniversary of ACIVS, the conference being held in France for the very ?rst time. ACIVS currently attracts computer scientists from 33 di?erent countries, mostly from Europe, Australia and Japan, but also from the USA, Asia and the Middle- East. AlthoughACIVS is a conference on all areas of image and video proce- ing, submissions tend to focus on certain major ?elds of interest. About a quarter of the selected papers deal with image and video coding and proce- ing, including ?ltering and restoration. This year, topics related to biom- rics (including face recognition), tracking, pattern recognition and scene understanding for security applications are covered by about a third of the - pers, highlighting a growing interest in that area. Segmentation and feature extraction – which has been one of the cores of the conference over the years – has decreased slightly in importance. The remaining papers deal with s- tems and other applications such as medical imaging. We would like to thank the invited speakers Ivan Selesnick (Polytechnic University, NY, USA), Josiane Z´ erubia (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France) and Marc Antonini (Universit´ede Nice Sophia Antipolis, France) for enhancing the technical program with their presentations.
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