Morirás mañana

Morirás mañana El misterio de Alma Rossi. 2

Jaime Bayly2011
Regresa Javier Garc�s, escritor devenido asesino, esta vez tras la pista de la enigm�tica Alma Rossi, la mujer a la que ama y a la que se dispone a eliminar, quien ha huido con rumbo sur llev�ndose su auto y su dinero. Y mientras la busca, recorriendo miles de kil�metros que lo trasladan hasta Chile, y mientras la espera y la recuerda, adicto ya a matar, contin�a su cruzada contra los cabrones de mala entra�a, encarnados ahora en sus viejos enemigos chilenos. Dos ejecutivos de televisi�n, uno ineficiente y otro corrupto; dos escritores, uno transformado en decadente animador televisivo y otro vanidoso y marica militante; y un rico heredero asiduo visitante de quir�fanos, son los cinco enemigos chilenos que se dispone a asesinar Javier Garc�s, en cr�menes improvisados que resultan, a la vez, horrendos y divertidos. Pero no todos habr�n de morir por su mano y aparecer�, incluso, una v�ctima inesperada. El misterio de Alma Rossi, segunda entrega de la trilog�a Morir�s ma�ana, es, como El escritor sale a matar, un ajuste de cuentas, pero esta vez no solo literario, sino tambi�n televisivo. Y nuevamente aqu� Jaime Bayly extrema su estilo para mostrar una realidad esperp�ntica, grotesca y deforme, y para relatar una historia intensa cuyo protagonista, quiz�s su alter ego, parece condenado a debatirse entre sus impulsos vitales y sus deseos destructivos. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Writer-turned-murderer Javier Garc�s has come back to eliminate Alma Rossi, the woman he loves. She has fled south taking his car and his money. As he tracks her, covering the seemingly endless miles that take him to Chile, and as he bids his time and remembers her, his addiction to killing leads him to continue his "cleaning" crusade--this time against his old Chilean enemies. Two TV executives, one incompetent, the other corrupt; two writers, one reborn as a decadent TV host, the other a vain militant fag; and a wealthy heir addicted to operating table, are next five targets Javier Garc�s plans on exterminating. His improvised crimes are, paradoxically, as horrendous as they are entertaining. But not all of them will die by his hand, and a new, unexpected victim, will even come into play. In El misterio de Alma Rossi, the second installment in the Morir�s ma�ana trilogy--like El escritor sale a matar--our main character sets out to continue settling scores. This time, however, the killing spree is not limited to the literary circles but makes its way to the field of television. Once again, Jaime Bayly exploits his unique style to display before our eyes an exaggerated and grotesque reality, and to relate an intense story, where the main character, maybe his own alter ego, seems condemned to exist caught between his desire to live and his desire to destroy.
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