James and the Giant Peach

James and the Giant Peach

Roald Dahl2002
A young boy escapes from two wicked aunts and embarks on a series of adventures with six giant insects he meets inside a giant peach.
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Photo of Meagan Fischer
Meagan Fischer @mstypharatfinklatifolia
3 stars
Nov 18, 2023
Photo of Andrew John Kinney
Andrew John Kinney@numidica
5 stars
Aug 18, 2023
Photo of Marloes
3 stars
Dec 10, 2022
Photo of Lauren Tabor
Lauren Tabor@readingthroughwonderland10
3 stars
Aug 13, 2022
Photo of Sian Wadey
Sian Wadey@sianwadeykerr
5 stars
Aug 12, 2022
Photo of Milo Jean
Milo Jean@milojean
4 stars
Jan 26, 2022
Photo of Grace O'Callaghan
Grace O'Callaghan@graceinneverland
3 stars
Jan 4, 2022
Photo of Jennifer Merchant
Jennifer Merchant@jennymer
4 stars
Dec 20, 2021
Photo of Tom Turner
Tom Turner@tomjsturner
4 stars
Nov 24, 2021
Photo of Destiny J Tamayo
Destiny J Tamayo@ddjjtt
2 stars
Nov 22, 2021
Photo of Jaya Baudart-Gehlawat
Jaya Baudart-Gehlawat@jayareadsbooks
5 stars
Oct 1, 2021
Photo of Erin
Erin @pagesofmilkandhoney
4 stars
Aug 30, 2021
Photo of Erin
Erin @pagesofmilkandhoney
3 stars
Aug 30, 2021
Photo of François Declercq
François Declercq@spiritofnaoko
3.5 stars
Sep 10, 2023
Photo of Mal
Mal @bxrlieo
5 stars
Apr 21, 2023
Photo of Lena Schönfuß
Lena Schönfuß@lenalimette
4 stars
Feb 25, 2023
Photo of Brianna
3 stars
Dec 23, 2022
Photo of Patrick Book
Patrick Book@patrickb
3 stars
Jul 5, 2024
Photo of Helen Bright
Helen Bright@lemonista
5 stars
Jul 4, 2024
Photo of Emily Burns
Emily Burns@emilymelissabee
3 stars
Jul 3, 2024
Photo of Sosa Kuti
Sosa Kuti @orangennirvana
3 stars
Jun 26, 2024
Photo of vfs
5 stars
Jun 17, 2024
Photo of Joub
3 stars
Jun 16, 2024
Photo of Jem Sugnet
Jem Sugnet@jsgnt
4 stars
May 26, 2024