Religion Without a God

Religion Without a God A Novel

James Evans2019
THRILLING BITTERSWEET SF/FANTASY MYSTERY ADVENTURE IN THE FAR FUTURE A YOUNG ANTI-HERO, A MISSING GIRL... A CONDEMNATION OF POLITICAL MONOTHEISM, OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS - OF RELIGION WITHOUT A GOD Luke thinks he is in love. Well, he is dating, he has just had his wicked way - it was fantastic - and he is very keen for more. So yes, he is more or less in love in man terms. The only trouble is that she has vanished. Adventure... Mystery... BIG Robots... Sky-boats... Mad countesses... Evil mad countesses... Guns... More guns... Lingerie... Some nudity... Lots of emotions... Too much swearing... Some good liberals... Some very bad liberals... Some good fascists... A very, very bad fascist... A strange and compelling world... Boy meets girl, loses girl, and tries to find her again...and encounters young people with a completely different view of the world, where to get along both sides must learn tolerance. This is a fantasy-adventure but also an examination of the intolerance of the new Left. Innumerable novels attack the petty, selfish intolerances and frequent inhumanity associated with fascism (real or not), racism, nationalism and strict religion. They are easy targets for propaganda, both true and false. This one faces the intolerance, contradictions and managed information (cover-ups) of the ruling class, of self-professed liberalism. No politics, no ideology is above Truth, is beyond critical examination; censorship cheats not only the advocate but the public, who are denied the right to be informed and to decide for themselves. Tolerance is not acceptance of views similar to one's own, it is acceptance of views opposite to one's own. Democracy is not another word for diversity and civil liberties, it is rule by the People, however 'deplorable' some may consider them and wherever that may lead. CONTENT ADVISORY: This novel is meant to be politically challenging, to encourage people to think and to question, and to condemn political correctness for what it is - a throwback to the dark days of religious intolerance, of heresy, inquisition, martyrs, censorship and closed minds; the People must have full information or else they cannot be sovereign and there cannot be democracy. Characters express divergent political opinions that may be difficult for many. Those readers unable to accept viewpoints different from their own are advised not to read or to proceed with extreme caution.
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