Love and Live Or Kill and Die

Love and Live Or Kill and Die Realities of the Destruction of Human Life

In Love and Live, James Wilson urges readers to take back up the honorable ways to avoid living in a manner that pleases only the devil. With sincerity and fervency, Wilson explains how the world is not following the Creator's path and that demonic influence is causing more and more people all around the world to be ruthlessly treated without respect or decency and often murdered. In this exploration of the spiritual influences in our world, Love and Live shows readers how every major religion bears at least some semblance to how God wants us to live. As population increases, so does violence and behavior inspired by evil spiritual beings. If we do not change, we are in grave danger of consuming ourselves, which has been the plan of the devil the entire time. James Wilson explains that humanity's only hope is to awaken its intellect, return to the honorable ways, and practice the teachings to love and live, not to kill and die.
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