Geology of the Forrest Kerr-Mess Creek Area, Northwestern British Columbia (NTS 104B/10, 15 & 104G/2 & 7W)

Geology of the Forrest Kerr-Mess Creek Area, Northwestern British Columbia (NTS 104B/10, 15 & 104G/2 & 7W)

The Forrest Kerr-Mess Creek map area straddles the intermontane & coast belt boundary in north-west British Columbia. This report presents results of geological investigations undertaken to produce detailed maps & a database to better understand the geological setting of the area's mineral deposits and to aid in making new mineral discoveries. The introduction includes information on previous geological work in the area and on the regional geology. Chapter 2 describes the stratigraphy of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and later formations. Chapter 3 covers the area's intrusive rocks, including plutonic suites, dikes, and other intrusions. Chapter 4 discusses geologic structure, including deformational history and faults. The final chapter examines the area's economic geology and includes descriptions of mineral occurrences of four types: porphyry, skarn, sub-volcanic vein, and stratiform.
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