Macabre Rising

Macabre Rising Tales of Man, Myth and Monster

In this collection of short stories, James Ninness delves into the world of ancient mythology to create tales of modern horror. "Cosplay" re-envisions the slasher genre with a gruesome nod to one (or more) of the world's most infamous killers. "Know Jack" reinvigorates an mythical Japanese monster, transplanting it to the barren land of the Mojave Desert. Witness a sheriff's terrible transformation from man to monster in "Like It Or Not" or experience "Snipe Hunt" wherein three people find more than they asked for over the course of a gruesome evening campout. "Self Less" dabbles with some with boggarts, brownies and The Bogeyman while "Stages" takes the zombie genre back to its roots in Voodoo.Terrifying. Familiar. Haunting. Macabre Rising is the stuff nightmares are made of.“James Ninness has gone into your nightmares and cherry-picked the worst ones.” DeWayne Feenstra, Image Addiction Podcast“James Ninness is fearless. He dares to go where other writers would hesitate. You've been warned.” Brett Simmons, film director, HUSK“Take one part Tales From the Crypt and one part Stephen King, add just a splash of Phillip K. Dick (for local flavor), and mix over ice (for the chills).” Michael Drace Fountain, writer, Drace Grey“Ninness taps into the inner dark places we think we're familiar with and turns them inside out for a bloody good mess of refreshing tales. If we lived inside his mind we would cower in fear – and awe.” Joe Pezzula, writer, Where the Witches Lurk
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