Maximum Ride
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Maximum Ride The Angel Experiment (Maximum Ride)

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Photo of Monicap
4 stars
Apr 29, 2024

THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME I'VE READ MAX RIDE. If you don't know the basic plot of Max Ride, then go away, becuz I don't want to talk to you. The Characters MAX: Max is a very believable character. She's also a raging bitch. it works on her. ANGEL: is really, really creepy. Also, I don't understand if the Max-and-Angel Relationship is meant to me a mother-daughter thing or a sister thing. NUDGE: is pretty much one of my favorite characters. She's never stops talking. in that way, she is much like me. :) FANG: in the dictionary, beside hot, there is a picture of Fang. ARI: Everyone hates Ari. I love Ari. Admittedly, Ari does try to kill them all repeatedly, but only because Max bullied him when they were little. And then his dad kind of abandoned him. And let's keep in mind, even though he seems all grown-up, he's only seven. that's only one year older than Angel. Despite all of Angels creeptastic-ness, people still love her. All Ari needs is to be loved. Love him.

Photo of chloe rae
chloe rae@heychloerae
4 stars
Feb 14, 2024

Even better than the first volume! Super excited about this series!

Photo of Jackie
Jackie @jackie666
5 stars
Jun 13, 2023

I absolutely love this book!! It is now my favorite series, and I can't wait to read the rest!!

Photo of Jackie
Jackie @jackie666
5 stars
Jun 13, 2023

This book got me hooked from the beginning. I couldn't put it down! I read it all day.

Photo of Ariel
4 stars
Apr 2, 2023


Photo of Teo Orlando
Teo Orlando@an0nym0us730
4.5 stars
Mar 20, 2023

I loved reading this story! I remembered reading the graphic novels back in school and falling in love with them, and actually reading the books has brought that love for them back.

Photo of Lacy W
Lacy W@aravenclawlibrary
4 stars
Feb 22, 2023

So I read this book back in high school. Well okay, the first time I had it read to me and I hated it. I hated having books read to me. But then I decided to pick it up and try it on my own. I loved it but I wasn't super sold on it. Max was one of the biggest things that bothered me. For some reason, her voice felt far too young to me and she made some silly mistakes that would annoy the hell out of me. But as I read this book a second time around, I realized that I wasn't annoyed. I realized that Max didn't have a childhood. She never got to be a kid. As soon as she escaped the School, she had to take care of the young flock. I realized that high school Lacy was just a brat. This book is seriously all action. I'm talking 99% action. The flock are constantly on the go, having to always outrun some sort of danger. I was exhausted after I finished reading this. I felt like I was flying with the flock and running away with them. Not to mention, there were so many plot twists and turns. My neck was sore. Everything was just sore after reading this book. One of the things that did put me off slightly, that didn't when I read it in high school, was the super short chapters. We are talking one to two pages. Sometimes the chapters were only a page even half a page. I'm not sure what the point of it was but it did detract from the story a bit. The book reads very quickly so I was constantly having to turn pages, which got old after a while. Overall, I loved this, even more than I did in high school. I'm really glad I picked this up again and I certainly can't wait to continue my adventure with the flock. I highly suggest this book if you are looking for an action packed book or need some new characters to adopt into your family.

Photo of Shay
4 stars
Jan 23, 2023

The last time I 'rated' this book was in my 2008 journal when I was in elementary school. I used to absolutely love this series. My 5th grade teacher read this to us after recess. We'd sit at our desks for 'down time' after running around and he'd read us a few chapters of Maximum Ride. I remember thinking about how cruel humans can be, and how much I loved all of the characters and the shenanegans they got up to. Something about kids escaping from a lab after being experimented on, being on the run and just trying to make it to the next day was so thrilling and exciting to me. I adored Max and her surrogate mom role. Eleven year-old me really admired her responsibility and all the efforts she put in to keep her family safe. I even wrote very early fanfiction, in the form of 5th grade writing exercises, based on Maximum Ride. And I skipped lunch and saved all the money to buy my own copies of the books (which I think I might still have?) I was a hardcore fan! Now that I think about it, this was the book that kickstarted my YA dystopian subgenre obsession. This was the book that started it all. Part of me wants to go back and read it to re-experience it, but I have a suspicion that's just going to ruin the magic for me.

Photo of Jacalyn Boggs
Jacalyn Boggs@ladyozma
5 stars
Dec 8, 2022

A friend gave this series to me for the boys to read. They tore right through the series and so now I'm reading it. It's fantastic! Patterson really did a great job! I'm totally into what's going on with this series! Max is your typical teenager with a large family. It's just her and her five besties - her flock. And by flock, I do mean birds, not the awesome web browser I love. You see, she and her friends are part avian as well as escapees from a demented science experiment. Who made them with wings? Why are they always being hunted? Will they ever have peace?

Photo of Ashley Wendt
Ashley Wendt@undertheasktra
4 stars
Sep 6, 2022

I’ve been wanting to read this for a while now. So many of my students love the Manga version of this story! It was a fun “ride”. I’m finding that I enjoy these sci-fi stories with these human/avian mutants! The parts I didn’t love had to do with pop culture references that dated the story…ahem…palm pilots. Otherwise, I thought it was a great read. I get why the kids like the manga version so much and I look forward to reading the rest of both versions!

Photo of Annie
2 stars
Aug 25, 2022

#ayearathon Fantasy/SciFi Readathon

Photo of Sonja H
Sonja H@sonjah
1 star
Aug 12, 2022

Not enough depth to keep me interested.

Photo of Callie Anna
Callie Anna@callieanna
3 stars
Aug 12, 2022

After hearing and reading everyone on the Blogosphere gushing about this series, I mostly began it to catch up on my reading challange. I loved it! The characters were all fascinating and individuals. The action moved quickly and more "story" was told than I expected. Can't wait to read the others!

Photo of Rachel VonDoloski
Rachel VonDoloski @rjvondoloski
5 stars
Aug 11, 2022

One of my favorite series when I was in early high school! It really started my love for sci-fi and later on fantasy.

Photo of Abi Hills
Abi Hills@abiariel
3 stars
Aug 2, 2022

I've waited a long time to read this and it's safe to say I waited too long. I didn't have too many major problems with it, other than maybe the story felt dragged out. I may still end up reading the rest of the series since I want to know what happens (view spoiler)[(and how on earth Max is supposed to "save the world") (hide spoiler)]. It did feel like the author intended for it to be a long series (which it is) and he could have not done that. This could have easily been just a trilogy instead with the ways in which the story felt dragged out. He was pulling at plotlines that didn't feel like they really added anything. I would have liked more to actually happen. Apart from that, I'm mainly just too young for this. I should have read it when I too was 14 and in my dystopian/sci-fi reading phase and would have connected much more to the characters. So yeah this wasn't the right time for me to read this but I did anyway since I've always wanted to. I might find I'll be back into young adult stuff again when I'm older, and will probably finish the series then. For now, though, I'm not so bothered and am feeling a little disappointed.

Photo of Marsh Wu
Marsh Wu@narrativore
3 stars
May 16, 2022

eh, it was ok. read it a while ago. nice idea, execution was so-so. good read for a night or so.

Photo of Emma Motze
Emma Motze@ejmotze
5 stars
Apr 24, 2022

Sooo good wow. This was one of the first series I read. It is more for a younger audience, but I will always love this series.

Photo of Claire Railton-Jones
Claire Railton-Jones@crj
5 stars
Mar 3, 2022

Read this series over and over in middle school and it still holds up as an amazing series

Photo of anderson elizabeth
anderson elizabeth@256andeee
4 stars
Feb 25, 2022

I was feeling nostalgic and decided to restart this series for the first time in years. Unfortunately my library's audiobook only had the abridged version which I realized an hour or so in when there was (what I thought to be) big plot points missing. It was definitely still a good read.

Photo of Fiona
5 stars
Dec 20, 2021

Brilliant, recommended by a friend and I was hooked.

Photo of Sarah Campbell
Sarah Campbell@wiltedsarah
5 stars
Nov 10, 2021

I was obsessed with this series around 14 years ago, so decided that I needed to finally finish it, as I never completed the last book in the series.
It still holds up.
Yes, the dialog is sometimes cheesy, but I understand it is written for 12 and up, so it is so good.
I still love Fang and Max. I was shocked to rediscover they’re 14?! I guess my 12-year-old self thought they were so old, because bruh?! 14?! I feel ancient 👵🏻

Photo of damla
3 stars
Nov 4, 2021

So far so good.This book is childish, but better than I expected.

Photo of Nikki Sojkowski
Nikki Sojkowski@loveat1stwrite
5 stars
Oct 14, 2021

Angel reminds me of Momjij from fruits basket and she's so adorable! I live all of their haircuts exspecially Fang's <3 angel is really starting to annoy me though... Oh and ari's death scene was kind if disappointing there really wasnt much oh a scene at all... LHey ari what's up *smack* whoops he's dead" that's IT?!?!?

Photo of Sara Alfaro
Sara Alfaro@salfaro
5 stars
Sep 26, 2021

This book is soooo Addicting, I couldn't put it down even if i tried. The plot is amazing and has many twists and turns that the reader will never expect, and promises much more in the books to come!!