
I actually really liked this. That's all. It seemed like an incomplete ending, which makes sense that Patterson wrote more to it, but it's weird that he ended it that way and said that it was the last one when it really wasn't? Hmmm.
Anyways, Fang and Max are still precious.

PLOT TWISTS EVERYWHERE AHHH :D But I don't really understand what happened at the end... What was the contagion? Was that even happening, or did the rip in the sky just interrupt everything? Or? What? Also, I love Max and Fang, but it seemed so sudden when Dylan left and Max and Fang just got back together... Maybe it would have been nicer if Dylan had betrayed them more, or something, cause it seems like her feelings are so fleeting... At least they do end up together :)


I've been reading these books since I was about 12 years old and the fact that I just read the last book makes me want to like bawl. That's kind of sad because I mean the last book I cried at for ending was Harry Potter and that's way better than Maximum Ride(you can't deny that) but I mean ugh. Max has been an ~influence~ on my life since I was 12 and it's just over and blah. It was probably not a good idea to read this at 3:07 in the morning.

More of my reviews at Secrets of Lost Words So for those of you who is new to the world of Maximum Ride, here's a little heads-up: "I unfolded my wings partway. Yes, folks—wings. In case this is your first dip into the deep end of the ol' freak-of-nature pool, I'll just put it out there: We fly." ~Nevermore, James Patterson Now that the truth is out there, let's get started on the review. First things first, this is an awesome ending to the series. I don't think the fans will be disappointed. In this final chapter, we of course finds the answer to the million dollar question: "Was [Max] really supposed to save the world, or was it all just a big lie?" ~Nevermore, James Patterson Through the first half of the book, you see the Flock and the Gang preparing for the 99% plan. Yay! Back the world-saving business. The ending blew my mind away. It was not at all what I expected. In the end, Max does choose one of the guys. Some fans will be disappointed. Some won't. For the first half of the book, it was all meh. Sure, there were some laughing moments, but those were it. Second half, you actually get into saving Angel and the world. They were very emotional. And the epilogue, oh my goodness, the epilogue was just so inspiring. Might teach people a thing or two. All I have to say is that, Nevermore marks a very decent end to the adventure of Max and the Flock. If you haven't already checked it out, it's recommended! And I'll leave you with these: "We all have to save ourselves." ~Nevermore, James Patterson "Seize the days, kiddos, and hold tight to your loved ones, the only part of life that really matters, and live each moment to the fullest, because you never know when an explosive ball of gas is going to light up the sky and blow you into oblivion." ~Nevermore, James Patterson Rating: [image error] 4 Lattes http://sprinklesofbooks.blogspot.tw/2...

*SPOILER ALERT* What. The. Heck. Can you say worst ending to a book series ever? Like I blinked and then it was over. Also, just really? I'm not going to give any spoilers. But really? It deserved one star. I gave it two because the rest of the series was so awesome! I almost wish I had never read this and left the series at "Max" All of these epic adventures leading up to THIS. No. P.S. this is a spoiler: Ari comes back again and angel gets kidnapped again? It's like a cliche on it's own series. And are we supposed to hate Dylan or Fang? I'm just so confused! What about Nudge and Gazzy and Iggy? And Angel is the voice? HELP!

This book in my opinion was so disappointing and unsatifying. The other books were good and action filled but this one felt like it was trying to be rushe to finish. It was boring and definantly not as good as the others.

only one word needed to describe this book: AMAZING!!!!!!!