Handlist - Manuscripts Containing Middle English Prose in Parisian Libraries

Handlist - Manuscripts Containing Middle English Prose in Parisian Libraries

James Simpson2007
The Parisian manuscript collections checked for the compilation of this handlist are the Bibliotheque Nationale, the Bibliotheque Mazarine and the Bibliotheque Sainte Genevieve. They contain a miscellaneous but interesting set of Middle English prose texts: there is the Middle English version of Guy de Chauliac's 'Cyrurgie'; a 'Brut'; four miscellanies of religious matter, including a 'Pore Caitif' and a 'Lay Folks' Catechism', as well as texts by Rolle and Hilton. There is also Julian of Norwich's Showings, and the polemical Twelve Conclusions of the Lollards.
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