A Beautiful Wedding

A Beautiful Wedding

Jamie McGuire2013
You know that Abby Abernathy unexpectedly became Mrs. Maddox. But what do you really know? Why did Abby pop the question? What secrets were shared before the ceremony? Where did they spend their wedding night? Who else knew about it . . . and didn’t tell? Everything about Abby and Travis’s elopement was top-secret . . . until now. Fans of Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster will get all of their questions answered in this whirlwind tale of the wedding day (and night!)—and as with all good stories, this one will definitely have been worth the wait.
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Photo of ★
5 stars
Oct 2, 2024

tan bonita trilogía para que la hayan arruinado con sus películas nadaqueverientas neta da coraje

Photo of Jordyn Sierra Robinson
Jordyn Sierra Robinson@lovingnewread
4 stars
Sep 5, 2024

Kinda short wish it was longer

Photo of Anna Ureta
Anna Ureta@akiikomori
4 stars
Jan 23, 2023

I can’t tell you how excited I was when I heard about this book/novella! When the announcement went up I was like… O___________O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve missed Abby and Travis like crazy! All of Travis’ brothers, Shepley and America, GOD it feels like forever, especially since the Beautiful Disaster series were the first two books I ever reviewed. Naturally, this series holds a special place in my heart. A Beautiful Wedding is a WONDERFUL addition to the series and honestly, I couldn’t have asked for anything more! (Except maybe the movie…) Just barely escaping the fire that stole many lives away, Abby starts to panic, afraid Travis will be identified and sent to jail. So she comes up with a plan – to get married in Vegas and use it as an alibi. But will Travis buy it? Will the authorities buy it? And what happens during their mysterious and very quick Vegas wedding? It was like I never left Travis and Abby. The book picks up right after they get back to Travis’ place and have a few minutes to let the information sink in. Considering what happened, Abby’s got a good head on her shoulders to be able to stay calm and attempt to think SOMEWHAT RATIONALLY after the event. I do admit, the book kind of ruined their HAPPILY EVER AFTER for me… My reasoning behind this is that despite Abby wanting to marry Travis, her intentions aren’t exactly pure. She’s not marrying because she loves him and can’t stand it (even though she does love him so much she can’t stand it), but she’s marrying him as an EXCUSE not to be in town; to try to keep Travis from getting arrested. As noble and understandable as her intentions are….it just sort of ruined their happy ending for me. I was just sad to see that her decision to get married wasn’t just… “OMG WE ALMOST DIED! I CAN’T IMAGINE MY LIFE WITHOUT YOU LET’S GET MARRIED RIGHT NOW <333333″ it was more like… “FUUUUUUUU Travis is going to go to jail! I’ll lose him forever when I just got him back! Gotta think of a way to outsmart the police!” Honestly though, after this wedding and the wedding in Jennifer L Armentrout’s Lux Series I’m starting to not hate the idea of a Vegas wedding. I thought they were trashy and lame, and no disrespect for anyone who’s had one, but I just didn’t see the appeal. Now…they don’t seem so bad. All I want and all I need is for my future husband to love me enough, I mean to REALLY love me. The wedding is really just extra, all it is is just a piece of paper. The vows are what’s important. I can’t wait to read the Maddox Brother books coming…hopefully this year. God, wish I could marry into that family, or a nice family like that. Well, 2014 just started so I better keep looking for the right one~ “I’m just trying not to have a Tom Cruise moment.” Travis said, beaming at everyone in the room. “I now understand the whole jumping on the couch and punching the floor thing. I don’t know how to express how I feel! Where’s Oprah?” 4/5 Hearts of Love Read more of my reviews at http://www.akiikomorireading.com

Photo of Gisela Ayala
Gisela Ayala @giselasmusings
4 stars
Sep 7, 2022

Jamie did it again with this adorable and endearing novella, which reminded me once again how much I love Abby and Travis. It's really interesting seeing everything happen from both points of view and now that I have read the all the brother's books and then this, EVERYTHING makes sense. Abby is my hero. She is selfless and will do anything she can to save the one she loves. I liked her in Beautiful Disasters, but I love her in A Beautiful Wedding. I feel like I got more of a sense of who she is in this short read than I did in the first book. Her and Travis's love is so raw and sincere, I found myself swooning at many of the pages. I honestly wish this was not a novella and that it was longer!

Photo of Missy Zuber
Missy Zuber @mlz2883
3 stars
Aug 15, 2022

Was not impressed. This is not my favourite series but I still felt the need to read this book.

Photo of Jaden Scott
Jaden Scott@jadenscott
3 stars
Jun 7, 2022

I have been addicted to this Beautiful series for a very long time and the Maddox Brother series and this one did not disappoint. I have reread all of them more than twice and I loved it every time.

Photo of Ella Zegarra
Ella Zegarra@ellieroth
4 stars
Jan 9, 2022

Publicado Orginalmente: El Extraño Gato del Cuento Hace un mes más o menos, Jamie ponía al fandom Disaster histérico por la noticia de una historia de Travis Maddox y su Pigeon. Y no era cualquier historia, era la historia de la boda, esa romántica locura que nos embobó a todos de amor. Sin embargo, a algunas de corazón frío como yo, hubo cositas que no cuadraron con esa boda en su momento, necesitaba respuestas. Y Jamie, tan genial ella, supo satisfacerlo con esta historia. Travis sin duda es al único personaje masculino que le aguanto todo, absolutamente todo, incluso a veces tener vagina ser romántico en la forma que particularmente no me gusta mucho, pero es Travis :D So, no importa. Mientras lo mantenga en su cabeza y no me lo diga.. que no se lo diga en voz alta a Pigeon, digo, a ella sí, no a mí... porque es un personaje ficticio... sí... #KillMeNow Como digo, este libro llenó esa parte que me faltada completar con las decisiones que llevaron a esta apresurada boda, las consecuencias del incendio y demás. Encontrar un personaje femenino que sea tan frío en su razonamiento es difícil, a pesar que con WD Pigeon me cayó mal, se redimió. A Jamie se le fue un poco demasiado con el New Adult, cuando dice que tendremos todas nuestras dudas resueltas sobre la noche de bodas OH SÍ QUE LAS TENDREMOS. No es que me esté quejando... No es fuerte ni nada, solo fue un poco sorpresivo. Sin duda es un libro para fans, a mí me quedó un mal sabor de boca con Walking Disaster, pero A Beautiful Weddding ayudó un montón a volver a enamorarme de Travis. Más, digo. Reseña Completa: El Extraño Gato del Cuento

Photo of Olivera Mitić
Olivera Mitić@olyschka
1 star
Nov 24, 2021

Ugh...totally not necessary. I seriously can't explain to you how much this thing felt as a waste of time. I can't name you one good thing about it. I really need to gether my thoughts about the whole book series thing. My views on stuff changed quite a bit since I have read the first two books. I must say I very much dislike Travis and Abby's story.

Photo of Barbara Rosas
Barbara Rosas@coy173
5 stars
Oct 24, 2021

4.5 en realidad. Estaba eufórica por leer este libro y me encanto, el libro fue muy rápido y aún no puedo creer que me lo terminé....quiero otro, ahora ;-;

Photo of Cat Nunez
Cat Nunez @catxbooks
5 stars
Oct 8, 2021

Que hermoso el libro, lo amé demasiado y me volví a reenamorar de Travis, el es tan perfecto. Me emocionó mucho, el casamiento, la carta de la mamá y todo lo que pasaron Abby & Travis para que pudieran ser felices sin miedo a que el fuera a la cárcel... sin duda Jamie sabe como enamorarnos con sus libros y sobre todo con Travis Maddox. desearía tener uno para mí <3

Photo of Gretchen Gomez
Gretchen Gomez@chicnerdreads
3 stars
Aug 10, 2021

** spoiler alert ** I'm giving it a 3.5 stars. As much as I absolutely LOVE with all my heart Trav and Abby, this novella didn't entertain me at all. I kept forcing myself to read it. I was just not having it and OH MY GOD! when I found out that Abby was marrying him to protect him, that totally turned me off even more. It didn't seem genuine and he never found out! Like WHAT? You're going to start off your marriage with a lie, already? Ugh. At least they love each other though.

Photo of Emerson Clute
Emerson Clute@emmyclute
4.5 stars
Jan 11, 2023
Photo of Kattia
4 stars
May 27, 2024
Photo of Cass McCullough
Cass McCullough@cassidycasuallyreading
5 stars
Dec 29, 2023
Photo of Blueberry
3 stars
Dec 2, 2023
Photo of Lilah Merie
Lilah Merie@lilahmerie
5 stars
Nov 16, 2023
Photo of Martha McLendon
Martha McLendon@marthaymc
5 stars
Jul 31, 2023
Photo of Zaira A
Zaira A @zai
4 stars
Jul 28, 2023
Photo of Haney Hayes PR
Haney Hayes PR@haneyhayespr
4 stars
May 23, 2023
Photo of Isabel Fox
Isabel Fox@izzyfox
2 stars
Apr 24, 2023
Photo of Dimi ♡
Dimi ♡@deezle
4 stars
Feb 11, 2023
Photo of Rebecca
5 stars
Feb 7, 2023
Photo of camilla
2 stars
Jan 18, 2023
Photo of leah miller
leah miller@leah_miller18
5 stars
Nov 2, 2022

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