Biosystematics and Ecology of Canadian Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) II

Biosystematics and Ecology of Canadian Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) II

New taxonomic, distribution and habitat data are presented for Canadian species of the family Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Distributional records are presented mostly from New Brunswick, Ontario and Yukon Territory. For New Brunswick, 186 new provincial records, 11 new records for Canada, and 10 new records of adventive species are provided. For Ontario, 47 new provincial records and 25 new Canadian records are provided, and 5 species are described as new to science. For Yukon Territory, 20 new territorial records and 1 new Canadian record are provided and 9 species are described as new to science. A total of 253 new provincial/territorial records, 37 new Canadian records, and 14 species new to science are treated in this volume. Lectotypes are designated for several species and seven synonyms are proposed. All new species and many species representing new distributional records are illustrated by color habitus images and black and white images of the genital structures. This volume on Canadian rove beetle biodiversity contributes new taxonomic research and important baseline data, and significantly updates the known staphylinid faunas of New Brunswick, Ontario, Yukon Territory, and Canada.
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