Among the Cities

Among the Cities

Jan Morris2008
Here is a collection of the best work of Jan Morris, considered by many the preeminent travel writer of our age. Reviewing her most recent book, The matter of Wales, the Christian Science Monitor wrote, "With this book, Morris joins the immortals. The splendors of the prose are like Homer's sea, simply everywhere. She is an absolute master of the sentence." Included are 37 separate pieces drawn from earlier books that span Morris's entire career as well as pieces origninally written for this book. Whether taking us back to Berlin and Beirut of the 1950's or to Houston and Sydney of the 1980s, Morris depicts each place with elegance, passion and wit. She captures and conveys its complex personality and makes us see the familiar in a new light or introduces us to places off the beaten track, taking us around the globe from Sri Lanka and Cashmir to Trouville and Cozco to Wyoming and Bath.
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