Lady Susan, The Watsons, Sanditon
Comprising one finished novel, Lady Susan, which was published posthumously, and two unfinished fragments, Sanditon and The Watsons, this collection – full of melodrama and burlesque, and exploring a range of literary styles and social classes – spans the entirety of Jane Austen's writing life. The epistolary novel Lady Susan is the darkly humorous tale of the amatory schemes and machinations of an ambitious and unprincipled coquette. The Watsons is the tale of the refined and well-educated Emma Watson, forced by the second marriage of her aunt to return to the house of her impecunious father and face the marital plots and intrigues of her sisters. Begun in the last few months of Jane Austen's life, Sanditon, set in a fast-growing former fishing village, swiftly becoming a fashionable resort, pokes fun at the inhabitants of the new coastal town, with all their hypochondria, witlessness and self-obsession.

3.5 ⭐️ I wish she had finished Santidon and The Watsons because they had so much potential but she’s dead now so i can’t exact bully her into writing 🧍🏾♀️other than that i really enjoyed reading Lady Susan and how her villain antics had everyone by the necks. I really couldn’t stand her and I loved how it was written in the epistolary style, it was fun to read.

Was this as painful as I expected it to be? Yes, yes it was. Could I in good conscience live my life knowing there was a single scrap of Jane Austen's writing I had not read? Absolutely not. Completed or otherwise, her novels are brilliant, showstopping, incredible, witty etc. etc.


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