Traitor's Code

Traitor's Code Freelancer 1

Jane Killick2019
When a dying fugitive entrusts Cassy with a forbidden code, she must protect a secret which promises to save humanity – and threatens to get her killed. Cassy, a freelance spaceship captain, escapes soldiers and calls in favours as she unravels the mystery of the code stolen from the Fertillan royal family. Pursuing her, Prince Stephen suspects her involvement, but an old immunity list drawn up by his father prevents him from keeping her in custody. Following the clues to a hidden past shared by their families, Cassy must confront the death of her mother to reveal a truth kept from her since childhood. As she leads Stephen in a cat and mouse chase, Cassy understands why the fugitive risked everything to escape Fertilla. To honour his memory, she must complete his mission and deliver the code to scientists who can unlock its power. With Prince Stephen under orders to stop her, only the final battle will decide if Cassy and the code will survive. A page-turning space adventure, Traitor’s Code mixes murder and intrigue with pirates, gun battles and a ‘will they/won’t they’ teaser in the first, unmissable instalment of the Freelancer trilogy.
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