
This is one of those books you don't read because it's serious or logical, you read it because it's light funny and quirky. The characters are fun but also interesting and Glo is a crack up. The books was fast and light but left me curious for the next one also. All in all a great quick light hearted read.

This is a great book for it's usual Evanovich sense of humor. Good suspense and a new look at Diesel who I believe first appears in the Stephanie Plum books, but you do not have to have read them to enjoy this one.

This was a nice palette cleanser after reading several thriller/crime novels. The silly and cheesy characters, some with supernatural abilities had me laughing out loud. Hatchet with his medieval times speech and dress wear, Glo with her desire to be some part witchy and then you have our main character Lizzy, with her “unmentionable” ability who wants nothing to do with magic. She just wants to spend her days cooking and baking while making some money from her recipes along the way. Once Wulf (bad guy) shows up she suddenly has a cat, a monkey and a devilishly handsome but uninvited protector named Diesel. They must work together to find the gluttony stone before the bad guys get to it.

I gave up reading the Stephanie Plum series quite some time ago because I thought it had become boring and uninteresting so I was excited when I found out about this new series by Evanovich. Actually, I have to admit I had gotten so bored by the Plum series that I ended up skimming through the books instead of actually reading them. So much so that I had completely forgotten about Diesel's character even though I read three of the four books he appears in... Wicked Appetite is an entertaining, quick read. Of course it reminded me a lot of the Stephanie Plum novels but with a lot more silliness and wacky characters thrown in (the paranormal setting helps a lot there). Granted, the plot isn't particularly thick or complex but that didn't bother me at all, I just enjoyed the overall setting and characters. A fun read!

I laughed so much I basically couldn't stop laughing great book

a little too predictable. seemed like she was trying to take Stephanie Plum and put her into a 'magical' framework. will probably read any others, but won't break my neck to get it the minute it comes out.

I haven’t read the Stephanie Plum series that everyone is comparing this to, so I can’t comment on her other series. However, I found this book delightful. It’s not thought provoking, nor is it brilliantly written, but I was literally laughing throughout most of this book. I listened to this book and maybe that was why I was laughing so hard. The narrator did a fabulous job changing voices and saying all the crazy dialog in this book. This is a lighthearted read about a girl name Lizzy who inherited her aunt old house in Salem and works at a bakery. Two men, Diesel (gruff blond stud muffin) and his cousin Wulf (smexy vampire like dude) randomly pop into her life one day needing her help to find a magical item. Apparently only two people in the world can sense them, and she’s one. These items lead to stones that represent the seven deadly sins. When combined together they’ll bring the apocalypse (apparently). Wulf is the bad guy and Diesel is the good guy who works for a company that will protect the world. It’s all so silly, but Diesel and Lizzy’s relationship is comical with slight undertones of forbidden sexual tension. Add in a snarky monkey named Carl and a feisty one-eyed-half-tailed cat named Cat and you have a hot, comical mess.