Sacred Sex, Sacred Life

Sacred Sex, Sacred Life 13 Secrets of Tantra

Janet Lee2010
As a tantra teacher, the author has discovered that Tantra comes closest to exploring the true gift of sex between two people as a means of focusing energy and using it to experience our own soul and merger with our partner. Those on the soul plane report that soul merger is the highest form of ecstatic bliss possible and is infinitely beyond our ability to imagine while still on Earth plane. In comparison, orgasm is little more than a sneeze. Tantric lovemaking involves breathing and muscle contraction exercises, creating a special space and rituals, meditation, massage, and sexual play. Whereas the goal of regular sex is orgasm, the goal of Tantra is union, the merger of the couple s bodies, minds, hearts and souls. The basis for this union is mutual trust, surrender and an open heart. Sexual Tantra, opens you up to the Divinity at all levels of your being. Tantra is the perfect way to raise consciousness, increase intimacy and enjoy the great gift of human sexuality.
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