The Third Chimpanzee The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal
A renowned scientist examines the less than two percent of human genes that distinguish us from chimpanzees and that link human behaviors--such as genocide, drug addiction, and the extermination of other species--to our animal predecessors
Chaitanya Baranwal@chaitanyabaranwal
Haley Murray@fortunesdear
Alex grey@alex20
Nelson Zagalo@nzagalo
Not Mihai@imnotmihai2
I'm not Mihai@not-mihai
Lucy Newlinds@lucynewlinds
Jason Porterfield@katzenpatsy
Wynn Netherland@wynn
Shelby Doherty@dohertys17
Karim Nas@karimnas
Anna Pinto@ladyars
Ben Nathan@benreadssff
Anna Pinto@ladyars
Jacob Crooke@jacrooke
Darma Paramarta@darma
Patrick Baumann@pbaumann
Jonathan Phillips@jonph14
Bobby Jacobson@bjacobson95
Jürgen Schweizer@t3rtium
Tim Oliver@Tim_Oli
Katrina Wilson@kwilson
Ray Remnant@rayremnant