Military and Society in 21st Century Europe

Military and Society in 21st Century Europe A Comparative Analysis

This outstanding compendium of articles on Europe's militarysituation as we enter the new millennium has been compiled under the aegis of the GeorgeMarshall European Center for Security Studies. The leading analysts of military studies in everymajor nation of Europe are included, along with three overview pieces that set the tone andcontent for this nicely integrated volume. The opening pieces, by Martin Shaw on the evolutionof a "common risk" society, Christopher Dandeker on the military indemocratic societies, and Wilfried von Bredow on the re-nationaliation of military strategy setthe tone for the work as a whole. Althoughthe Cold War is now a decade removed from the new Europe, the challenges of transition to newdefense systems and institutional structures still confront those who plan the future for themilitary establishments of Europe. The individual country studies contained in this volume, aswell as the final analysis of the trends and probable future developments in Europe, should berequired reading throughout the national security structure, for politicians and decision makersseeking to understand the dilemmas facing European militaries and the societies they defend. The country chapters cover a wide range ofnations. Jean Callaghan examines the Bulgarian armed forces after its 1997 elections. MarieVlachova and Stefan Sarvas review civil-military relations in the Cech nation. Jano Sabo studiesthe role of the defense sector in Hungary. Adriana Stanescu sees Romania as a case of delayedmoderniation. Paul Klein and Jurgen Kuhlmann review the German armed forces in the context of apeace dividend. Bernard Boene and Didier Danet consider France in the light of the post draftsituation. Marina Nuciari and Giuseppe Caforio consider the Italian military in a democraticcontext. Finally, Jan van der Meulen and his colleagues, look upon the Netherlands military as acase study in post-moderniation. The final contribution is a summary report by the editors onthe lessons that have been learned in assessing the contemporary civil-military complex. In all,this is a state of the art volume on the state of the armed forces in Europe.
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