Thor God of Thunder
The Might Thor has a made a terrifying discovery. Travelling to the planet Indigarr to heed an unanswered prayer, the Odinson finds what was once a home of the gods, is now an abattoir of slain deities! The gods are disappearing! Now, the God of Thunder must follow a trail of blood that threatens to consume his past present and future selves. The only hope for these ravaged worlds and Thor himself lies within unravelling the gruesome mystery of Gorr, the God Butcher.

Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai
Is this the one of the best Thor stories or what?

Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai
Man. I did NOT like this one, at all.. nothing to offer, except for a somewhat different artwork that's engaging and not the norm, but kinda fitting for Thor, even though it pissed me off at times , but I mostly blame the story for that. I expected much more from Thor's comeback . Boring and whatever story with too damn much script in it that's worthless of your time and it leaves you not wanting to continue unless you have a problem like me with having to finish everything you start. Not recommended. No reason to read it whatsoever either.

Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai

Fraser Simons@frasersimons
Worth it for the future storyline predominately in the last three issues. The rest, while fun, just felt kinda dumb and didn’t do it for me.

Sarahi Flores@thrillerromance

Amna A.@crayoladagger

J Nieto@out_of_a_reading_slump100

Maic D@dokrobei

Dennis Jacob Rosenfeld@rosenfeld



Abi Baker@wicdiv


Fraser Simons@frasersimons

Liam Byrne @tvtimelimit

Carol Bailey@cab

Jennifer Merchant@jennymer


Amanda J @librarianonbreak

Amy Medeiros@bookworm4tea

Amy Medeiros@bookworm4tea

Nikhil Pradhan@nikhil


Jéssica Canais@jarrli