The Goddess of Thunder

I liked it. Great start for Thor! Would like to have read this back then and not already know who the Thor is beforehand, but got spoiled back then of who she is.. Still, I liked the story and the artwork is just amazing on this one. Great coloring too! If you like Thor you'll like this one too! New Thor, new adventure!

Art: 4.5/5 Story: 4/5 Overall feel: 4/5 Thoughts Jason Aaron's run on Thor has been amazing and this new direction is very exciting.

My library hold on the controversial Thor: The Godness of Thunder finally came in after MONTHS of waiting, and it was... a pretty decent superhero comic :) Readers find out that things are really getting shaken up in Asgard, and Thor, Odinson has lost the power to wield his hammer. The ice giants are invading Earth with the help of a rather nasty elf, and that's when Thor, Goddess of Thunder steps in. Readers don't know who she is, and she's still working through the whole powers thing, but she shows a lot of bravery and ingenuity in her new role. Odinson is originally quite POed that someone has taken over his role, but he quickly comes around when he sees how the hammer responds to the new Thor. The volume is obviously introductory and doesn't get into much plotting. However, it is well-paced and the art is quite nice for a mainstream superhero comic. There's nothing groundbreaking other than Thor being a woman (which is huge! It's nice to see Marvel and DC mix things up occasionally. Some event will change everything back inevitably, so I will enjoy the diversion as long as it lasts), but it's a solid book regardless.