

Jay Crownover2014
Cora Lewis is a whole lot of fun, and she knows how to keep her tattooed bad boy friends in line. But all that flash and sass hide the fact that she never got over the way her first love broke her heart. Now she has a plan to make sure that never happens again: she's only going to fall in love with someone perfect. Rome Archer is as far from perfect as a man can be. He's stubborn and rigid, he's bossy and has come back from his final tour of duty fundamentally broken. Rome's used to filling a role: big brother, doting son, super soldier; and now none of these fit anymore. Now he's just a man trying to figure out what to do with the rest of his life while keeping the demons of war and loss at bay.
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Photo of Lover of Romance
Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance
4 stars
Oct 2, 2023

This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

Book Evaluation:

Plot: 🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️

World Building:🌎🌎🌎🌎


Hero: 🦸🏻🦸🏻🦸🏻🦸🏻


Intimacy Level: 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Relationship Building: 💒💒💒💒

Heart & Feels:💞💞💞💞

Witty/Banter/Reaction of Laughter: 😂😂😂😂

Page Turner Level:📖📖📖📖


Overall View: ✨✨✨✨

First Impressions

Rome is the third installment in the "Marked Men" series and this series has been a delight but Rome is a character that we have seen as a constant since book one despite him always traveling and fighting in the middle east. This one we see a very different type of man in Rome, he is darker and more tortured and angry at the world. Then we have our heroine, who is the heart of the group. She is fun and bubbly and always the peacekeeper. She has a sweet vibe while being strong and standing on her own when its needed. This is a true story of opposites attract and finding solace amidst the pain of life.

First Line

It's my favorite thing ever to have all the people I love in one place at the same time.

The Main Protagonists

The Hero: Rome Archer

Rome is a natural protector, military man for the latest decade, his family is his heart but tortured over all the loss from fighting in the middle east.

The Heroine: Cora Lewis

Cora is a natural nurturer, nicknamed pixie because she is tiny formed but has an attitude when it comes to protecting her own. She has a natural bubbly kind personality.


Rome Archer has recently come home from the war and retired from the military and now a veteran and is biting everyone's head off and become very cynical. He has changed to the people he loves and he has lost his way and doesn't know how to find his way back again. Then he meets Cora who is more than able to put him in his place. She ends up being his guardian angel and fighter of his lost heart. He finds home in the most unlikely place but there is a danger on the horizon and he will do everything he can to protect Cora from an enemy.

What I Loved

Rome was such a poignant romance that held my heart so completely. I absolutely adored this book and quite frankly each book in the series so far have been so wonderful to read. I really had a blast with Rome and his broody heart. He has always been a favorite character of mine, the way he is with his family from what we see in book one was so delightful. But in this book we see a different side to him. We see the person behind the mask, the man always running to protect his country and his family and doesn't know his place anymore. We see a hero who is at a lost and has zero direction now that he isn't in the military anymore. We see Rome go on a personal journey of discovery and what he is made of without his military uniform. We also see what PTSD and the horrors of war can do to a person. Jay Crownover really capitalized on his struggles just right. Then we have our heroine who is a delight. She balances out Rome's broody dark side and gives him the light that he needs. She is so supportive of him and I respected how that when she ends up pregnant, she doesn't hide it from him or delay telling him about it. She is upfront and open about the circumstances and seeing Rome and Cora learn what it means to be going on this new chapter in their lives....together and working as a team was so relatable and had such a raw real element to their relationship that I was instantly drawn into.

What I Struggled With

There wasn't much I struggled with to be honest, it didn't quite make it to five star status but that might have been I was reading this through the hoopla app and not on my kindle or physically. But I will complain that the kindle book is $10 ----that is ridiculous. haha

Overall View

Rome is a story of pain and growth, of healing and redemption, and learning to embrace new paths in the future...

Favorite Quote(s)

And right now, being with you is the one thing that feels solid and real...You're so full of color, so vibrant you never get lost in all the grey in my hear. I don't want to lose that.

Book Details (also in my shelves)

Sub Genre: Contemporary Romance

Character Types: Military, Tortured Hero, Brooding Hero

Themes: Heart/Touching, Lots of Laughs, Tattoos/Body Art Displayed

Tropes: Opposites Attract, Grumpy Sunshine

Book Perspective


Relationship Conflict vs Plot Conflict

A Mix of Both

Song This Book Inspires

Witchcraft by Frank Sinatra

Recommendation For Reading Order

I recommend reading in order if possible, but they can be read as standalone if you are inclined.

Steam/Spice Explanations

Steamin' up the room -the sexual content is more explicit in the language and tone, heavier amount of sexual scenes.

Photo of Catarina Vieira
Catarina Vieira@umlivroduplicado
3 stars
Sep 11, 2022

Eu juro que adoro esta série mas nunca gosto do início dos livros - tirando o primeiro. Acho sempre demasiado instantâneo sem pouca base para explorar o início da relação. Mas, no fim, acabo por adorar o desenvolvimento. Em concreto, nesta história, gostei do facto de não haver um drama enorme por falta de comunicação como houve nos primeiros dois apenas para fazer um “obstáculo” que não existe na relação. Neste caso, o obstáculo era real e fiquei mesmo preocupada que o casal não conseguisse ultrapassar os seus problemas interiores - a Cora, que foi traída pelo noivo e todos os amigos sabiam e o Rome, um ex-soldado que perdeu o irmão e sofre de stress pós-traumático. Apesar de achar que o início da relação surgiu do nada e os próprios protagonistas comentarem que a relação deles está a avançar demasiado rápido, acaba por ser bem desenvolvida e trabalhada. Estou ansiosa para os próximos dois porque - FINALMENTE - vão ser romances onde há um passado e não morrem de uma atração instantânea do nada.

Photo of Bethany Lacey
Bethany Lacey@laceylovesliterature
4 stars
Feb 28, 2022

This book is by far my favorite of the series. I loved Cora, loved Rome - loved everything there is that makes this book so freaking good! The book starts at a family barbecue on the 4th July; Rome is acting surly and lowering the mood of the get together. Cora, loving her friends dearly, takes matters into her own hands and calls Rome out on his behavior. She then proceeds to pour her can of beer over his head. Thus begins the start of this fiery relationship. I loved the banter and humor in this book - the cute little nicknames they had for each other were adorable and endearing. I found I could relate to Cora more than the previous heroines (Shaw and Ayden); she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. and was slightly rude and brash. The previous heroines had a certain re-fineness that I just couldn't relate to. I absolutely adored Rome; the way he never wavered in his feelings towards Cora, regardless of her hesitation and his hurt, just made me love him even more. I love a tattooed bad boy, don't get me wrong, but Rome's dependability and support towards Cora was not only admirable, but a welcome change. Yes, I know he had a little wobble but he had his reasons for it. And also the way he took charge with his nightmares and possibly having PTSD was again admirable. I could definitely see home Rome was a soldier. Full review at :http://laceysloveofliterature.blogspo...

Photo of anderson elizabeth
anderson elizabeth@256andeee
3 stars
Feb 25, 2022

2.5/5 stars Out of the three books in The Marked Men series that I’ve read, this one was my least favorite. Rule is my favorite out of the three so far but I've been reading that book since I was 12 or 13 and I’m biased as hell. One of those things I do really like about this book would be the way that there are threads running through all of the books that connect them. Jay Crownover did an especially good job setting up the next book, Nash. So this summer I’ve discovered that I’m not a fan of the pregnancy trope. I just feel like it’s something that authors often use as a way to "save the relationship" or "force the relationship to happen”. One of the other things that I think felt off to me was the fact that abortion was never even brought up as an option. Granted, I respect everyone's choice to choose what they do with their body and how they go about unforeseen circumstances. But I also felt like with the way that Cora had been characterized in the books up until this point she seemed like someone who would have chosen differently. That could just be my way of interpreting the character. I think another reason that I wasn't the biggest fan of this book was the fact that up until the end of Jet's book I thought Cora was a little fruity if ya catch my drift. She was not giving me straight energy. Since I’ve been reading the books in this series in order it was easier to pick up on the fact that I would go the route of pregnancy because the author has made an adamant point of bringing up contraception and having safe sex in previous books. I super admire this about the writing because I feel like not every book bothers to write these conversations in and I think that Jay Crownover executes them in a very organic/natural way. I also like the fact that she has both parties actively thinking about safe sex in her books. One last thing that bothered me was the way that sex was used in this book. Rome is a veteran who just got back and is obviously starting to sort out his PTSD and there were times that sex was used as a cure-all for his nightmares. There is one scene, in particular, Cora just let Rome use her for sex after he had had a flashback nightmare and that didn't sit well with me. Overall, the relationship in this book wasn’t my favorite, but I enjoyed Rome’s relationship with the guys and how he found solstice in the bar that he ended up repairing.

Photo of Camila
Camila @camie
1 star
Jan 9, 2022

Bad, bad, bad eww. No me dan ni las ganas de escribir una reseña como la gente. Lo único que diré es algo sobre la autora: Creo que Jay Crownover no sabe de la existencia de las comas, puntos o guiones. De pronto estabas leyendo una frase y se juntaba totalmente con otra y tenías que releer al menos tres veces para poder entender que había pasado. Y sus parrafos entre diálogos son bastante extensos, por lo que pasa muy a menudo y es MUY, MUY confuso. Eh... no sé tampoco mucho que decir de la historia :|

Photo of celeste
5 stars
Nov 12, 2021

EXCUSE ME WHILE I GO CRY IN A CORNER. THE MOTHERFUCKING FEELS IN THIS BOOK JUST, UGH. POR FAVOR!!!!!!!!! LEJOS el mejor libro hasta ahora de la serie. el primero me encanto pero no me mato, el segundo estuvo bien y hasta ahi nomas, pero este?! 5 ESTRELLAS, TODAS LAS ESTRELLAS DEL MUNDO! Ya de por si le tenia unas ganas tremendas a la historia de Rome que no me aguantaba mas para empezar a leerlo. Todo por lo que paso Rome, volver de la guerra y no saber que lugar ocupar ahora que ya no estaba mas luchando, la historia de Cora (que mas de una vez me dieron ganas de sopapearla para que reaccionara), la forma en que se complementaban los dos con todos sus quilombos, miedos e inseguridades, toda la historia estuvo perfecta. Me hizo llorar como una loca, me hizo reir, me hizo sentir de todo. Recomendadisima esta serie, es imposible no enamorarse de cada uno de los personajes ♥

Photo of Kim
5 stars
Oct 6, 2021

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads I loved Jay Crownover's first two books about hot, tatted and pierced bad boys with hearts of gold. Rule and Jet were both fantastic. But, Rome was something so much more. It offered the same spunky female characters and ridiculously sexy, but flawed, men but there was a deeper and more complex, more serious, storyline here than in the previous two books. "In order to prevent the same mistake, to prevent myself from giving my heart away so carelessly, I was bound and determined to wait for a guy who was all in with me. I wasn't settling for anything less than perfection, even if I had to wait forever to find it." I've been intrigued by Cora from the first time she appeared in this series. She was tough, protective, sassy, but vulnerable. She's the type of girl everyone should have as a friend. She's the one who would protect her friends and those she loves to the ends of the earth. Interesting as she's such as tiny little thing. I wouldn't want to mess with her though. She had been betrayed and deeply hurt in the past, so she wasn't planning on getting involved with anyone in the near future. Fate had something a little different in mind though… "I got used to everyone needing me, to them relying on me, and now that I wasn't needed anymore, I simply didn't know what to do with myself. That honestly terrified me more than any war zone or bar brawl with armed bikers ever could." I'm so glad Rule's big brother, Rome, finally got a chance to tell his story. And what a story it was. A soldier that went through hell overseas and ultimately came back unable to serve because of injuries he received, he put on a strong show and seemed like an asshole on the surface. But, lurking under that tough exterior was a man who was deeply emotionally damaged. He was used to being the big brother, protecting everyone, fighting to protect people he didn't even know. Life changed while he was overseas and he wasn't really sure how to handle it. There's a line in the book about Rome finally reaping the rewards he earned by always protecting everyone around him. It really stuck out to me and I think it was a perfect summary of the book. (I would love to post it, but it's a little too spoilerish for my review.) "I know you aren't on the same page as me just yet, Cora, and for right now I'm happy enough we're reading the same book. Eventually you have to turn the page, though, you got me?" There was something magical about Cora and Rome together. He was so serious, so BIG in so many ways. She was tiny and spunky. They made a great pair. There never really was a lot of sexual tension between them because their connection really came out of nowhere with little build up. But, they had an intense chemistry that just seemed so right. I did get more than a little frustrated with Cora though. I understand she was hurt in the past and afraid of opening up to someone else, but I needed her to let go and go all in with Rome. "Love isn't perfect. It's hard work and sometimes it's more effort to be in love than it is to just run away. If you keep looking for perfect, the real thing is going to pass right by you." I can't tell you how much I love these characters. This entire group of friends is incredible and real. I want to go out for beers with them. I want them to be my friends. They each have their own issues, but they all work so freaking well together. The friendships are true, the love is real. They're the complete package. For anyone who might have preconceived notions of pierced and tatted people, this series would absolutely prove them wrong. That's one of my favorite things about it. That and the hot ass men. ::fans self:: It was great to catch up with Shaw and Rule and Jet and Ayden in this book. This book was full of twists and turns and situations I never saw coming a mile away. There was love and sex and friendship and danger. Poor choices led to tough decisions and tougher circumstances. Rome (the book, not the man… although…) was a crazy and intense roller coaster ride. It totally played with my emotions along the way. One minute I was swooning, the next I was laughing… then suddenly I was on the edge of my seat wondering what would happen. Oh, and there were tears. Definite tears. So fuh-reaking good. I received a copy of this book from the publisher, via Edelweiss, in exchange for an honest review. All quotes come from the review copy and may differ from the final version.

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