HomeBody Yoga

HomeBody Yoga A 28-Day Course to Bring You Home to Your Body and to a Life Led with Purpose

Jay Fields2013
If you are a yoga teacher or an experienced student who feels like you should have a home yoga practice but you just can't seem to do it, this book is for you. This book is also for you if you want to feel at home in your body and your life, if you've come to the realization that you're no longer willing to solely outsource your experience and your knowing to someone else, either on your yoga mat or in your life. Recognizing this is BIG. It can change your life. And there's no shortcut to having a life-changing practice. You can't bypass the challenges. That's part of the point of practice. This book offers you an opportunity to reorient your approach to your home yoga practice in a way that brings the qualities of joy, honesty, playfulness, curiosity compassion and possibility to it. And with that, to have more of those qualities-and more of yourself-in everything you do. With 28 days worth of tips and techniques, suggested exercises, practice prompts and personal stories from Jay's own home practice Homebody Yoga is just the thing to help you come home to your body and to your own unique life.
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