At grave's end

At grave's end a night huntress novel

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Photo of Lover of Romance
Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance
4 stars
Jan 1, 2023

It seems like to Cat that everything is falling into place...finally. Bones is strong as ever by her side, but as she continues with her job and hunting down vampires, her cover keeps getting blown and now she and Bones may be in more danger than ever. When it is apparent that someone is hunting them, with quite a few instances that threaten them, they are resolved to find who is after them. What Cat never expects is that it would be a ex lover of Bones. It seems that Bone's past is coming back to torture them both. Cat learns that sometimes you have to choose a side, and she knows that she will have to embrace certain vampire traits and her vampire side to survive. With Bones fighting at her side, she knows that they can defeat this new enemy that threatens their life and their love and everyone that they care about. At Grave's End is the third installment in the series and what a wonderful addition it is to the series. I have been wanting for quite some time, to get this series reviewed, since I have read it already once and fell in love with Cat and Bones. In the third one, the tension only escalates and we see a newer relationship form between this couple. A bond stronger than they have ever had before and I will admit as I was reading it, there were a couple times that my vision got blurried with my tears, and it definitely was powerfully emotionally provoking. It takes a bit to get me to shed tears, but this author has a way of portraying certain emotions from her stories to her readers. Definitely action packed, intensely paced and full enough paranormal drama to make you want to laugh and cry and jump into the book and join in the action along with Cat and Bones and their friends. A Delight to read!!!

Photo of Dawn Keiser
Dawn Keiser@savi_15
5 stars
Aug 11, 2022

I was good with the whole Cat thought Bones was dead because I knew he couldn't be but I was unprepared for the intensity of their reunion...I cried...lo

Photo of Allison Garrett
Allison Garrett@bookish_insomniac
5 stars
Jul 24, 2022

Once again, Jeaniene Frost had a very creative approach to her storyline and made it interesting throughout the novel. Each chapter there were new things coming and there were many twists that no one saw coming. I highly recommend this book and can't wait to keep reading forward in the series.

Photo of taci
4.5 stars
Aug 27, 2023
Photo of Nikita
5 stars
May 22, 2022
Photo of Kattia
4 stars
May 27, 2024
Photo of Vicky  Nuñez
Vicky Nuñez @vicky21
2 stars
Mar 25, 2024
Photo of Rianne van der Wiel
Rianne van der Wiel@rianne0401
5 stars
Jan 1, 2024
Photo of Gwyn Dill
Gwyn Dill@gwyndill
4 stars
Dec 30, 2023
Photo of Jennifer S
Jennifer S@shancora
3 stars
Dec 16, 2023
Photo of Rhiannon Mansfield
Rhiannon Mansfield@rhiannon
4 stars
Mar 24, 2023
Photo of Monell Welisane
Monell Welisane@monellw020304
5 stars
Feb 6, 2023
Photo of menna
3 stars
Jan 31, 2023
Photo of Jasmine
4 stars
Jan 21, 2023
Photo of Monica Isabella
Monica Isabella@misabella16
5 stars
Jan 16, 2023
Photo of Marta Costa 🐰
Marta Costa 🐰@martacosta
5 stars
Jan 5, 2023
Photo of Karoline Frigaard Rybråten
Karoline Frigaard Rybråten@karoline
3 stars
Jan 1, 2023
Photo of Vesselina
5 stars
Dec 22, 2022
Photo of Jessica Deaner
Jessica Deaner@jess1rph
4 stars
Nov 5, 2022
Photo of Sara Piteira
Sara Piteira @sararsp
4 stars
Oct 31, 2022
Photo of Ashley Janssen
Ashley Janssen@aninterestingidea
3 stars
Oct 18, 2022
Photo of Sarah S
Sarah S@toxikologie
2 stars
Oct 5, 2022
Photo of Toni pilato
Toni pilato@tinyytoes
4 stars
Oct 2, 2022
Photo of Lila rose
Lila rose@lila_rose
5 stars
Sep 22, 2022


Photo of taci

I came to him, brushing my fingers across his cheekbones. "If you're right," I continued, "then the traitor is locked up and can do no more harm. I'l be grieved that my friend did such a terrible thing, and I'll kill him. But if you're wrong...then you have a person here who's desperate not to get caught. Reeling that you're alive. Frantic over what you'll do if you find out who they are. If you're wrong, we're all in a heap of shit. So what are you willing to bet that you're right?"

Page 223

Mencheres is very sus

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Photo of taci

There was something in Bones's voice that made me belatedly aware there was one person missing in this room. Even my mother lingered by the doorway, pretending not to care about the story as it unfolded. "Where's Tate? And why didn't Don call him when he knew you were better? My uncle knew he was with me." Bones met my eyes. There was pity in his gaze-and resolve. "Don didn't ring Tate because I told him not to. After all, I didn't want the person who tried to kill me discovering I was still alive."

Page 219


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Photo of taci

"Please don't wake me up," I begged, terrified someone would shake me out of my dream. I clutched the figure that seemed so real, squeezing my eyes shut. "Just a little longer." "You're not dreaming, Kitten." Oh God, his mouth covered mine in , kiss that made my heart break "Im bere "

Page 213


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Photo of taci

There were the unmistakable bawls of Annette in loud, unintelligible bursts. Nearby, I heard something crash to the floor. My hazy mind thought it might have been Tate. He'd been balanced on the back of his chair legs when I passed out. Maybe he'd nodded off as well and lost his equilibrium. Still, that didn't explain his mumbled sentence. "You have got to be fucking kidding me... There was now an unrestrained chorus of voices, numerous doors bashing, and so much uproar I opened one eye with difficulty. Above every other word a name finally penetrated, causing me to stumble from the couch in a heap. "Crispin!" .need to see my wife," was all I heard before I started to scream, staggering over the coffee table in a blind frenzy to run toward that voice. My eyes were open but unfocused, everything in a hazy double outline

Page 212

yes yes yes he us here

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Photo of taci

"By his order while he was yet alive, Bones bequeathed everything to you. You are now Master of his line and co-Master of mine. I swore by my blood to honor the union forged with him, so by my blood, I will swear to honor it with you, as was his wish."

Page 196


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Photo of taci

He gave me a contemptuous look. "Why not? Standing on that ledge is Catherine Crawfield, not Cat, the Red Reaper. Catherine has no obligations, no responsibilities, and she's decided to follow her husband to the grave. In the end, it appears you' ve chosen your human side. How interesting."

Page 193

why are they so certain that he died?

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Photo of taci

"Cat," Tate sighed when he hung up, putting his arm around me, "Don said He stopped and stared almost stupidly at his chest. The knife I'd pulled from my coat and jammed into him was less than an inch from his heart. I smiled, feeling my face crack like pottery that dried too quickly. "That was a warning. The next one won't be. Did you think you could just slide into Bones's place and I wouldn't miss a beat? You lay your hands on me again and I'll finish you, Tate."

Page 190

go girl

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Photo of taci

Tate unzipped his jeans, and he wasn't wearing any underwear. It was all I could do not to jerk back and give the charade away. Yeah, this was way further than I'd ever anticipated things would go.

Page 157


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Photo of taci

"Sometimes I hate Don," Tate spat. I was baffled. "What does my uncle have to do with any of this?" "Don knew what you were from the moment you were born, and I'd known him for three years before I met you. Three years, Cat. That fucking torments me. All Don would've had to do was look you up six months sooner than he did. Then you wouldn't have met Bones first, you would have met me. We like each other, you're attracted to me, and as a fellow vampire hunter, I would have been your perfect man. You would have fallen in love with me instead of ever loving Bones." I was amazed by how much thought he'd put into this

Page 143


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Photo of taci

"Look, Tate, you have got to get over this...thing you have for me. It's affecting our friendship, our work, and you take your life in your hands every time you bring it up in front of Bones." Tate came closer, lowering his voice, not that it mattered with all this background noise. Another vampire would have to be within spiting distance to focus in on our conversation. "Do you know why I won't shut up about how I feel about you? Because I didn't say anything for years. We were friends, but I kept hoping with time, more would develop between us. I'm not making that mistake again, hesitating when I should have moved forward. I don't care if it pisses Crypt Keeper off or makes you uncomfortable, I'm done pretending that I only want to be your friend."

Page 143

o tate anda a brincar com o fogo

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Photo of taci

"Why the hell would he?" I wondered irritably. "Seems to me she wants him dead, too, or she wouldn't have just barbecued his home hoping he'd be in it along with you. In fact, oh powerful one, why haven't you taken her out yourself? Can't you handle her on your own?" Mencheres closed his eyes. It was Bones who answered my question. There's more about Patra you don't know. She chose her vampire name in honor of her mother, one of Egypt's most famous rulers, and merely shortened it when she changed over. Patra is the daughter of Cleopatra, and Mencheres refuses to kill her...because she's his wife."

Page 108


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Photo of taci

"Let's get you off me, then, your elbow is jabbing me in the kidney-" Something on his face made me stop in midsentence. "What?" I asked. "Did you just call me a pig?" I froze. Had I said that out loud? "Bloody hell, no you didn't!" he answered for me, springing to his feet in a lithe motion. Good God, he could read minds now? There was something neither of us had thought would happen.

Page 93


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Photo of taci

"I won't welsh on our agreement, so name the man you want me to change into a vampire." "Me." The single word came from Tate. My gaze swung to him. "You hate vampires!" I burst out. "Why would you want to turn into one?"

Page 17


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